Thursday, September 1, 2011

Peabody Schools Ranked 117th in the State

What do you parents think? Are you happy with that spot. Is the city happy with that spot knowing that your money is not being spent well if that is one of the lowest rankings


  1. An utter embarrassment to Peabody. Here we have the current mayor, Bonfanti whom called himself the "education mayor" that completely tanked the school system with his pal McGeney.

    He should have called himself the
    "Trash mayor" he did a hell of a job with that contract. Speaking about trash......

    Did anyone here read the story that Liacos wrote for himself on Patch?


    You are a lier! You have voted for every tax increase since you've been elected. You also spoke about moving cautiousely on issues such as the downtown and special permits. But i go to every council meeting and watch the ones that I can not attend. You just bitch and moan about other councilors and do not act as you preach.

    Best of luck to you as you watch Peabody move forward from the sidelines.

  2. That ranking means nothing.. Peabody is the best place in America..

  3. Thank you Mayor for joining us with that last comment.

    While I think most rankings are subjective, these are the types of things new home buyers do web searches for when searching for what town to move into. So whether we like it or not, this report exists and it adversely affects the real value of our property.

    What I think this report clearly illuminates though, is the total lack of competency within the Bonfanti's administration and within the school department. The last 2 superintendents have been an embarrassment and set the school district back considerably. This coupled with lack of leadership from Bonfanti and the SC have turned a bad situation worse.

    I've been on these blogs for years now complaining about the declining MCAS scores, yet all you would hear from the SC/Bonfanti is how we improve in 1 area, even though all others went down or went down in comparison to other communities. These scores provide a measuring stick to see how the system is preforming, like any measure you have at your own job. If your metrics are down, typically heads will roll. Yet in Peabody, you get a pat on the back and the hiring of any even more incompetent boss (ie...Burnett).

    Its time for serious change in Peabody. I'm enthused to see 2 young candidates running for mayor, both with some skin in the game in regards to the school system. I just hope either one holds the SC & school admin's feet to the fire. Its time to move forward and start holding people accountable. Its time to start investing in things like books, technology, and new or updated facilities.

    117 is an embarrassment and I would hope we would start hearing indignation for those in charge or those wanting to be in charge.

  4. Vote our ALL incumbents. We need real change. I agree on Liacos. He always votes to raise our taxes. He is way to liberal for Peabody which is a bluecollar town. No more taxes We cannot afford it! Time to go Jim.

  5. anon 8:02,

    Wake up. MCAS scores will be lower in communities that are more diverse because english is not a lot of students first language. There are 14 AP classes and many many well rounded kids graduating every year from the peabody school system.

    Whats all the fuss about property values - did you refi 5 times over the past 10 years, put a pool in, and now your mortgage is more than the value of your houme?

  6. Who cares about property values? Really?!?

    So what do you care about? Is there anything you would like to see improved or are you justifying Peabody's low-ranking because we have a high number of ESL students (and you don't really care about them, because your kids speak English)?

    BTW, Cambridge, Framingham, Danvers, Gloucester, Plymouth, Saugus, Methuen, Quincy, Salem all ranked higher than Peabody. I would venture a comparison of % of ESL students is comparable in all of these towns.

    So what's the fuss about? I want better for my kids. I want better for all the kids in Peabody. We spend enough on the school system...we just don't manage it properly and parents (like yourself) don't demand better.

  7. Even more distressing is how many of the cities/towns -- who pay less per pupil than Peabody -- are ranked ahead of us.

    This is a disgrace. The bumbling that's gone on her is obscene. If this was a company and we taxpayers were the stockholders, the mayor, super, and every member of that school committee would be fired.

    Also, how come no one on the city council says ANYTHING about this? Aren't they the ones who are supposed to be watching over our money?

    Throw ALL these F-ers out of office!

  8. Everyone is going to look for someone to blame...some will blame the mayor, some will blame the school committee, some will blame the parents and some will blame the teachers.

    So who should we blame? All of the above AND MORE.

    I think the biggest problem is Peabody's reputation as an "anti-education" city. This has a huge trickle down effect:

    1. Young families are not moving to Peabody. Like it or not, the public perception is that this city caters to senior citizens only.

    2. Many good teachers (young or experienced) are not seeking jobs in the Peabody school system. Did you read all those articles this summer about slashing the supply budget? Not to mention the condition of our schools. If I ever walked into Higgins for an interview I would turn right around and run, not walk, the other way.

    3. Teacher retention: There is a HUGE turnaround in the Peabody Public Schools. I have a family member at the High School and half of their teachers from last year are gone. We pay to train these teachers, they get work experience here, and then they run to another must ask why? Is teaching in Peabody just something to add to your resume?

    Still wonder why our test scores are so low???

    Education needs to be more of a priority to EVERYONE in this city. The city administration needs to fund the schools properly, the parents need to become more involved (education starts at home), and the school staff needs to be properly qualified/trained.

    I say raise the taxes and fix the school system. I know it sounds like a "crazy" idea...but, as someone who loves Peabody, I think it is a great investment. We will pay more in the short-term but we will reap the benefits when our property values start going up. The more we value our education system the more we will get out of it. We need to show the students, parents and teachers that PEABODY CARES ABOUT EDUCATION!

    So, in conclusion, I think that Peabody Politics sums up the attitude of this great city when he asks "What do you parents think?" Instead of trying to illict passionate conversation from frustrated paretns, shouldn't you really be asking "What can we do to fix this?" But, hey, I guess that doesn't make for very interesting reading.

  9. We don't need to improve the schools. All we have to do is join the green committee and hold hands and the city will be a fun and swell place to live.. This group is agenda driven, with tax and spend liberals. If the city is going to tax us again, put it towards bus fees or sports fees. Let's not support a feel good group of tree huggers. Right Anne Manning

  10. I like anons comment. Instead of the education mayor, he should be called the rubbish mayor.
    Everything that comes out of his mouth is garbage.
    I've heard lots of stupid comments before by this mayor but he never ceases to amaze me. Are you ready for this... Are you ready for this!! As we all know one of the biggest costs for the city is health insurance. When asked by the local paper whats involved to join the states insurance plan(GIC), here is the mayors response. ARE YOU SITTING DOWN? Are you holding on to something so you don't pass out. Here we go..... The response is " It's like doing the Hokey Pokey. You have to turn this way then turn that way"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    This has to be the most moronic, idiotic, insanely stupid comment from a mayor that I've ever heard before. I have never heard the mayors of Beverly and Salem quoted in the paper saying something this dumb. Why does the city of Peabody
    have to put up with this gross incompetence. I know he only has 4 monthes left but can we start the recall process now? I think you could get a better response from a third grader.
    I'm sorry for the rant, but our city deserves better than this. We need lucid, clear thinking, well spoken leaders to take this city into the future. Not a mayor that uses analogies from a kindergarten class. Lets's watch this guy closely the last few monthes. Who nows what the rubbish mayor is going to enact on the residents of this city. All's I can say is, get ready to hold your noses, the rubbish mayor is going to speak again.

  11. OG says...nothing has changed folks...I was typing the same comments on these blogs 7 or 8 years get what you accept and Dark City just has the blue collar mentality with respect to its school system...we are not willing to boost our school spending...we are trapped by unreasonable public employee contracts and healthcare increases and we do not have the full support of the community to make it all happen...and guess what? We NEVER WILL....OG has given up the fight and the hope that blue skies are coming....soon my kids will be out of the school system and I too will adopt the no tax increase stance like so many other narrow minded residents adopt...that is the Dark City mindset and it always will be the mindset here...and that is how OG sees it.

  12. What it the city council gonna do about this? They are the ones who approve the school budget that is prepared by these SC clowns. Hey Rico or Arthur: how about asking the new super to do some 'splian-in?

  13. OG,
    You certainly were "typing the same comments on these blogs 7 or 8 years ago..." AND IT IS GETTING TIRED AND OLD. If you don't see any hope for this great city, or have any suggestions that may help, then LEAVE. Quit yoru doom-and-gloom complaining. Life here ain't that bad...

    Your negative, jaded and warped view of this city is not helping anyone.

    I think that with more community support ($$), parent involvement and faculty training we could have a GREAT education system here. How do your "all hope is lost" rantings contribute anything?

    You sound like a miserable old man pining for the good ol' days when you walked 4 miles uphill to school during a snowstorm...and, unfortnately, that is exactly the type of person this city is catering to.

    Enough already.

  14. OG says..."negative, jaded and warped view of this city" ?? the truth hurts doesn't it ? it seems that you and I agree about the 'ifs' that all have to come together...where we differ is the actual HOPE that they will...and OG sees absolutely ZERO evidence that they will ...convince me to believe!! I challenge any Mayoral candidate or SC wannabe to convince me that things are going to change here in Dark City Education...I gave up blind optimism years ago...OG comes on here and tells it like he sees it and believes we disagree then so be it...I hope all your big IFS come to got a better chance of seeing the pipe line come down from Canada in your lifetime pal...and that is how OG drearily sees it.

  15. The reality with the school system is you need to back to formula. We may have some glimpses off good events but the reality is that it is a sick system. If we continue to just attempt to fix broken parts then we are ignoring something else that ends of breaking. We need leadership that is visionary and take a good hard look as to how we can take Peabody schools into the next few decades. This moment in time is instrumental for a lot of reasons. The city has a lot of money, great bond rating, in the midst of a middle school update, no ft superintendent, new mayor and possible a shifting in the city council.

    With all that said, it is time to revamp the entire school system in this city and have a strategic plan that is goal setting for the next 15 years. Why 15 years. It will take a couple of years to draft the plan and then you are going to want to start it at the kindergarten level and use them as the pilot through your plan. The next classes will follow suit and in 15 years Peabody will have a new face with education. Yes, it will take that long and if you ever want to do anything right then you need to have long term goals instead of short term ones that get us no where. The individuals on the school committee need to understand this and work with the city leadership to break our current mold and make a new one. You never see a car manufacture just add crap to the same exact model. They come back every few years with a complete redesign and new view of what the car is, the same with cell phones and even how different businesses are run. This city has done very little to change how the system is run. They make knee jerk reactions on current issues instead of taking the time to look at other school systems that work amazingly well and using their roadmap to make our own. That is why I am only voting for Ben Russell. I want Carpenter, McGenney and incoherant to know that they should all have the least amount of votes because they have not truly made the effort to stand up as leaders and make the decisions that leaders need to make. They cower and complain that it won't work we have tried it years ago....I am tired of listening to it and if you are going to just cry and not have a solution or at least an idea then you do not belong in that role!

  16. OG you are telling me that we MIGHT have a far better school system in FIFTEEN years as a result of your visionary strategic goal setting....what has happened for the last FIFTEEN years my friend? Fifteen years ago my oldest child was 6 years old and starting his Peabody educational career...this spring he graduates from college despite the mediocre education received I want to wait or tell the voters to wait another FIFTEEN years for something good that might happen? HELL NO !! and no sensible Peabody citizen -with or without kids--should accept such an expectation. My old pal Susie Borin once told me that things take time--'it's the nature of the beast"...well Susie, I am all out of patience and all out of Dark City educational hope and your comments only give me further proof that I am the wise one around here....and that's how OG sees it.

  17. I have not been around her the whole 15 years that you speak of but as a parent that has children in the school system it needs to be overhauled and I am not thinking people are going to be happy at the moment but I do think with the right strategic planning and new leadership that it is a goal we can reach in this city. I am tired of all you blowhards that complain about the past. Guess what it is the past. So MR OG where the hell ware you attempting to fix the schools. You sound like a guy that all he did was complain to his friends and behind the scenes. I am not complaining. I am coming with an idea. A seed that I hope will grow in the ears of our leadership and parents and I hope they give it a long hard thought and discussion.

  18. OG says....a seed of hope? well, plant that seed in good soil, water it each day and maybe in fifteen years you will have a sturdy oak tree...let me respond to blowhard allegation...and arm chair complaining is the bottom line my friend...the only Peabody citizens who gave a damn about the schools are the ones who have kids in the schools and unfortunately you are in the minority and not in the majority...for years this city was ruled by an Emperor who was content with average schools and the lowest taxes in Essex County...we are still trying to crawl out from that reality...Dark City does not place a high value on education...oh sure, all the Mayoral candidates will give it the good old lip service but they know that they do not have the political mandate to elevate our educational status. Parents are too busy running around or going from one job to another to even get involved in local politics. Low taxes rule collar mentality rules here....Education will always be mediocre at does the past often times give you a key to the future? it does here in Dark City...and that is how OG sees it.

  19. I just had two kids go through the Peabody system. College , yes both are going to great schools. Both right now are good well rounded kids. Why me and not you?

  20. This is exactly what happens when you have more residents in graycare than daycare...

  21. OG says...good for you are happy with the status quo because your kids survived the Peabody school system and are going to great colleges...surely there is life after Peabody schools but there is also the realization that our school system is 'average'....and quite obviously the majority of Peabody voters are just fine with being average....we have proven that year after year....we continue to vote for candidates whose names are much more familiar than their political be it...OG is not content with that while you may say I like to whine about it you have to agree with me on this > we are happy being ok.

  22. Lets all remember that not all children are genius types nor can they be. There appears to be some who think all kids are equal in that department when in fact if they were we'd be not having these back and forth finger pointings ,etc. Try to remember when a class has failing or near failing marks class wise the teacher[s] use a median curve to decide a passing grade. That was used in my day and I suspect that it hasn't changed since then. Yes, one can point fingers at the teachers with some truth but what about the student[s] that just can't be "genius". Are they expected to be scorned or ridiculed because they can't compete with the more intelligent kids? Maybe there should be double promotions or a school where the genius kids can be taught. Try to remember that it all education starts in preschool and kidergarten . Once in elementary school the real teaching begins and thats no easy task for more reasons than I can state here without being chastized for my comments or reasons. Yes ,there is no doubt that not all teachers are good ones and most today could be classed as fair or average. There has to be more oversight of the teachers by their superiors or out side professionals. Thats not to say they should fire a teacher that doesn't meet a standard of the grade they teach. They could be asked to teach another grade or take a course that is needed to over come their own ,if you will,failure of teaching that class. Also most parents today fail to see that they have to take part at home to see that their kid[s] are doing there best in school. That includes helping to do home work ,etc. I'm not blaming all parents due the working of both or one as a single parent but I do blame the ones who just wont get away from the television soaps ,etc. to partiscipitate in their kids up bring and the schooling of their kids. They just can't send the kids to school and expect the teachers to do what is expected of them in place of the parent[s] obligations. So please don't blame the teachers fully when you are to blame at home whether you have a "genius" or not. Sorry for my spelling mistakes but I'm sure you do get the jest of what is written here.

  23. OG says.. the blame game serves no takes a village to raise a child...everyone has a key role in the point is this...for all too long we have been much too content here in Dark City with the status quo for education...this falls in line with the years and years of TALK about fixing downtown...we talk and talk and talk but there is no forward action or if there is it is PAINFULLY slow....OG works in the private sector and this snails pace approach here in Dark City to addressing and fixing things is simply not acceptable...this is the reason why I never became politically active...I don't have the patience for amuses me when I hear the call for change and we continually see average incumbents go on and on for years....why does this happen? Look in the mirror....the uninformed and uninspired electorate continues to take the safe and easy way out on election day...not many of the registered voters bother to vote and those that do give us more of the know OG is right...and it bugs the hell out of you that I am.

  24. OG , You claim not to have the patience to run for elected office yet you say look in the mirror to those reading your many,many comments about how the city is run. Well it seems to me that if you were as sincere about change in the city political arena ,commonly known as the city hall office holders, then you would run for office. Instead you shy away from doing so and say residents should look in the mirror . You bitch about every thing and expect others to fix the issues at hand . Why don't you either keep out of the issues and problems and not waste any more of your and our time if you wont run. You seem to do a lot of finger pointing and ,at times,allude to accusations in a cute way . In the short of it all why not put up or shut up ----- finally!!

  25. Yea! Some one finally told it like it is when it comes to OG. I notice he didn't make any comment on 9/17 @ 6pm thoughts about what that person had to say. Maybe that person made sense enough about what they wrote on the issues of education and teachers that no one responded to it not even OG.

  26. OG the comments on 9/17 @ 6 PM
    OG met some mighty fine teachers at the recent high school orientation night....younger teachers who have some tech savvy and knowledge....younger teachers some of whom have been home grown right here in Dark City and they are HAPPY to be teaching here....OG happens to think that the physical SCHOOL ENVIRONMENT helps the attitude and success for I roam around the dreary and convoluted high school hallways it just sickens me that this is the the best facility that we can provide for our high school I visit some of our other older elementary schools and decrepit middle school I have to wonder why any Peabody alum would ever want to come back into our dreary education world yet they do and they have my admiration...but we can and should do better....for all too long we have let this become ok....and then we have the parents and I would agree that many of them are much too uninvolved with this part of their kid's lives... and that is not just a Dark City issue by any means...and I would like to see what per cent of Peabody 8th graders typically opt to go to a private high school in lieu of attending PVMHS because they think they can get a better education elsewhere.....that might be a number for our School Committee take a look at....and one other matter that has always intrigued me...who helps a teacher become a better teacher? is there any kind of mentor system? is there any kind of regular observation and feedback by Principals and Supers? why do we expect new teachers to simply get better and more effective on their own? and why do we expect veteran teachers to keep being able to ratchet up the energy and creativity year after year without some kind of support system?? so it is all connected and some accuse OG of finger pointing and doom and gloom when in fact when I see the troublesome issue I ask the question that no one seems to want to ask...and that is how OG sees it.

  27. OG You appear to agree with the 9/17, 6PM opinion but you didn't say any thing about the individual things he/she brought up. You glossed over and went past these things by taking we readers on a tour of the school and made it a point to say there were some local new talent as teachers. You did say a little about a mentoring system in regards to helping teachers to be better at their jobs. You had no inclusion of your thoughts in the "genius" matters,etc. It is easy to write what already is another persons ideas and then seem to get away with your being the answer to all you responded to. Where is your know it all answers to the subjects that 9/17,6PM has written about as an opinion ?


    For all those running for school committee, I'd be interested to hear your ideas for improving the system. Another year, another step backward in the systems performance. This is simply not acceptable.

    Incumbents beware, your either part of the problem or part of the solution, but you damn well better speak to the MCAS results.

  29. OG says...who said every kid is a genius? what a dramatic revelation! Education is not about kids are but about what they can be....this is not weak comment rooted in mediocrity and acceptance of the notion of being 'just ok' for this poster who wants to hear from School Committee wannabes about MCAS results...SNAP OUT OF IT! what do you think any SC candidate is going to tell you??...they are going to give you lip service and cliches about being concerned and about doing better on these test results...that reality has been in play since MCAS arrived here in the state !!! what those SC candidates are not going to tell you is HOW they personally are going to help insure that Peabody gets better MCAS know why? BECAUSE THEY DON"T KNOW !!! here is the problem...MCAS results are cumulative ...they don't happen overnight...they require that a kid be good at writing...they require that teachers are really plugged in to the core fragments of the test...and the results are always going to be impacted by demographic factors...why don't cities and towns with higher income levels do better on MCAS results than we do here in Dark City? that is a loaded question but for those of you who have this pipe dream about Peabody leading the way to the top of the state Top 10 MCAS results I got four words for you > IT AIN't GONNA HAPPEN! and that is how OG sees happy with what you got because it will not change much my drove away a Superintendent who may have moved this meter..namely Nadine Binkley...maybe her concept of a longer school day had some merit after all....look in the mirror Dark City....the problem is staring back at you.

  30. Nadine Binkley...the recess nazi.....really?

    I have got four words for you too OG: SHE WAS ABSOLUTELY AWFUL!She was not invested in our city and was only concerned with building her resume.

    You have to understand the culture of a city in order to run the schools...and she had no idea what she was getting into. Like it or not you have to relate to the kids, parents, taxpayers and staff. She was 0-4.

    No matter what some of the delusional Peabody residents want, this will never be Lynnfield. We live in a wonderful (historically) blue-collar city that is rich with diversity. Because of this, our schools face some very unique challenges. She didn't get that, and therefore was NOT A GOOD FIT FOR OUR CITY.

    I bet she is destroying a school system right now as we speak...embarking on yet another ego-feeding powertrip.

  31. No one expects Peabody to be in the top 10. But we should have expectations of doing better than mean. In addition, it's also about trending. Is the system improving or heading in the wrong direction? Each year these results come out and Peabody is heading in the wrong direction.

    In regards to the genius comments, the demographics in Peabody is similar to other communities. Most cities are blue-collar, most have a certIn level of diversity. Let's stop making excuses and expect more. We are clearly spending's just being totally mismanaged.

    So I'd like to hear from Beverly Griffin on those results. While I think she is the only one who knows anything, I can't help be concerned that she has also presided over this decline. Meanwhile everyone else on the SC seems pretty useless.

  32. OG says...Dr Binkley has recently retired but let's read about some of her accomplishments up in Leominster....Dr. Binkley was hired on in 2006, and feels she has accomplished a lot of her goals for the schools since taking the helm.

    “First off, it is a large group of people that worked together to create the significant changes in Leominster over the past few years. Full day kindergarten, and converting Southeast School from a middle school to a math and science themed elementary school are some of our tremendous accomplishments,” she began.

    With the full day kindergarten, Binkley said she had a lot of input from teachers, and realized there was a big need for it to happen.

    “We needed to implement it and pay for it. We figured it all out, how to pay for it, and it is a success,” she noted.

    Dr. Binkley said when she was hired, the school committee was interested in three major things for the new superintendent to tackle.

    “They were interested in finding alternative funding, attracting more students into the district, and raising the MCAS scores. Those were the big three,” she explained.

    For the alternative funding, Dr. Binkley said the Leominster Education Foundation was formed, and to date, three mobile computer labs have been purchased and a fourth on track for next year. Each lab costs approximately $23,000 each, and they would not be possible with the foundation.

    “I was also able to hire a grant writer, and for this year alone we have been able to bring in over $900,000 in grant money over and above the regular grants we receive from the state. These are competitive grants that we went after,” she explained.

    She also said since she took over the superintendent’s job, there are over 150 more students in the district, as with being able to offer the full day kindergarten and after school programs, more students are attracted to attend school here, or to remain here instead of leaving the district for other schools.

    Dr. Binkley said the raising of MCAS scores was a very complex issue, “as you cannot wave a magic wand. It took a lot of teacher development programs, and we have seen a nice growth in every level,” she said.

    Some of her other accomplishments include the Leominster Education Accelerated Program, (LEAP) for talented and gifted students and the 21st Century after school program.

    sometimes a good fish slips off your hook...keep fishing Dark can't seem to land a 'keeper' for long who can provide the kind of leadership that is good for us....maybe the problem is the fact that we don't really know what is good for us? maybe we don't have enough citizens who give a damn?

  33. Hey OG! - You still haven't answered 9/21!722 AM but you have written two lengthy blogs since then. Are you purposely avoiding his/her opinions and thoughts of helping to try to resolve the education problems here in Peabody? His/her opinion should be a thing to look into. His/her opinions of teachers and students make some sense to me even if they might seem to be over the top by some because he/she is at least willing to help get the problems changed by being vocal here. Where is your voice?

  34. OG says....I see no other issues raised that I need to 'respond' to....the thoughts mentioned are issues that pervade and influence education across American and not just here in Dark City...and there is nothing over the top or dramatic about the comments made...teachers, parents, kids are all looped into this together and they always have been and they always will be...what's the big revelation with this ??? can we better help and assist the brighter kids and the slower kids? sure we can but is Dark City willing to belly up to the bar on those issues? is Dark City ready to reach into their wallets and pay a little more to make it a possible reality with real HONORS classes, fortified elementary grade teaching focus, extended school days and perhaps some after school programming? OG says NO!

  35. You say you do not have to respond to the issues raised then you later say "Can we better help and assist the brighter and the slower kids? Sure we can but is dark city willing to belly up to the bar on those issues" . I see no reason why you or the other readers that include school department and city officials shouldn't bring up what has been said here by you and 9/17@6PM . Have the blog administrator or your self forward the remarks to the school committee and the mayor presently in office or and the new mayor to be. Lets see how far our mutual and non mutual opinions get in resolving the education problem with them. It could help us to see who has the guts to make any changes and who to remove from office in up coming elections. That alone would help officials to remember who put them where they are and tell them who the true bosses are ,the taxpayer voter.

  36. OG know what your problem is? you naively and optimistically think that the voters pay attention to anything we are discussing on here....those of us who frequent this blog are really not 'the problem'....the 'problem' rests with the many uninvolved and uninformed voters out there in Dark City who simply have no time or interest in these matters.....and our dull and uninspired candidates face a real uphill battle waking them from their doldrums and malaise...this is not a politically active and involved city...we are content, dull and vanilla...this is why you see repeated incumbents elected, minimal change and frustration from people like you and me who have no patience for this kind of reality...and that's how OG sees it...

  37. No OG I am not naive and I vote at all the elections and have with may be one or two because of sickness. The people on the site are voters just as you and I are . If you can say they aren't then why are they writing and taking sides on the candidates. You cant be all those who write here as anonymous although you could have other names you write as.I think you say things just to stir the pot and if you were of such great knowledge and interest you'd run for office instead of being the critic with the sign off you have. Instead of using dark city why not try to promote another meaning that is up beat about the city?Dark city indeed!! your making the city worse than it is by saying it.You can be a better influence by being up beat with the "as I see it" commentary attitude you have as well. Sorry for the critical comments but thats "as I see it" .

  38. OG says...I am but one observer who comes on this blog and offers 'opinion' can agree with me or disagree with me but the sad truth is that the truth hurts...u think I am stirring the pot when in fact I am telling you how I feel...give me something upbeat to talk about with respect to political times here in Dark City...every time we have an election we hear about the call for change...and throwing the bums out who have not served us well....but in the end there is never any real change here at all....has Jarrod Hochman knocked your socks off while serving on the SC ? is Ann Manning a breath of fresh air on the City Council? you tell me....what am I missing? what am I not seeing? maybe OG will get everyone riled up enough so that we get some political blood boiling here in Dark City because right now all I feel is a very faint pulse....and that is how OG sees it!

  39. There you go again with your dark city and as I see it stuff. Can't you say anything else that would show promise instead of downing the city? You have a right to say how you feel just as we all do but the way you do is what takes away from your goals of making the city become the light and bright instead of dark. Your "as you see it" is only what you see and not the only opinion of what others see. Stop your down thinking and change for the betterment of the community. You didn't comment on what was said about taking sides on the candidates and your potential to run for any office. You appear to have a big mouth full of hot air when you write as you do trying to make others come to your way of having things run in the city . You can't be a leader ,anonymous or not, unless you come out of hiding and that is some thing you wont ever do as you've made it already known earlier on before on one of your opinions . I would dare to venture that you just like to be heard and expect others to listen and take up on what you spew from your OG status for all to see. If your so intent to do these things then come out and tell us who you are so we can tell if your worth hearing and doing things for and in the best interest of the city and its taxpaying residents.

  40. OG says...let me repeat...I am not a political candidate...I do not want to be a political candidate....I am not officially on any candidates election committe...OG is simply a long time reader and contributor to the various patriot blogs that have come and gone over the years...OG does not have the patience and passion to become involved in the local, turtle like political scene...OG is not a big fan of the public sector in general and its glaring inability to adjust and react to outside conditions so the political arena is not for me...if OG were a candidate you would get honesty, openness to real change and an outsiders perspective which would doom me for election here in Dark City...we have a very simple formula for electing our Dark City twice you win...and then run again and we reelect you again and again...OG has no faith that the overall electorate is aware and engaged in the I simply sit here an offer my personal views as I see, they are generally not positive remarks and perhaps they touch a nerve with some but that may be a good thing....for me to say that the truth hurts may not necessarily be a bad thing....there are many good people who opt not to run for many reasons...I have always admired those who do run for any office because they must love the city and they must possess so much more optimism and patience than I possess....OG once had hope and interest in the process but with time I have lost my patience and hope that would be needed to even ponder serious participation...unfortunately we will once again elect and re-elect some candidates across the various the city positions who are not top notch in my book yet they are familiar or recognized...OG is happy to see two 'younger' candidates for Mayor...OG thinks that our School Committee is weak overall and constantly having to work with a new Super and a flat budget...and OG thinks that our City Council needs an infusion of new blood and focused leadership....and unfortunately I don't feel the winds of change once again that we need...and finally, OG is not really part of the problem here in Dark City because I at least show some interest in local happenings and until you get more interested people like me then you will continue to get the same old mediocrity that we are now accustomed to seeing here in Dark City...and that is how OG sees it.

  41. Now that is the Og who is the better writer than he was on his site before because he really wants to be a part of the cities responsible taxpayer and voter.. Your thoughts are well accepted with your explanations of them . I'm glad I wrote as I did and got you to respond. I don't want any credit for your new way of writing but I do say keep it up. It does show you are a viable candidate for office. All it takes is for you to it. You can stone wall them as you say they do all the time. A message could be sent to them and make the change by your running for office or some one in you place to run that thinks as you do.
