Friday, August 26, 2011

Downtown Plan

So what does everyone think of what they will be doing to the downtown.  There is no way this is not going to impact traffic on Lowell Street at rush hour all the way back to the Brooksby Farm area...You are taking a corridor and cutting it in half?  They think a computer can tell you how it is going to impact you vs blocking one lane and see how it goes?  I know that I would rather drive all the way around creation before I set foot down in the downtown area.  Once again I find it appalling that taxpayers came out on Monday night to voice their concerns and once again Bonfanti just shuts them down and basically tells too bad we are moving ahead.  And they wonder why people don't show up to more meetings with regards to city issues.  Everyone knows that he is going to do what he wants to do and thats it.  Peabody is his sandbox and he makes all the rules.  Pathetic....

I think they should just create a toll and collect money for all the people that are coming and going from Salem.


  1. Closing the Main St Highway, YEA, bout time. We build for the future not for the yesteryears.

  2. Frigging check this out. Annie Manning kissing Bonefanti's ass. Why the hell would anyone vote for this woman? She is not only a foul human being but she is a dope.

  3. just read it and threw up in my mouth. Thanks for nothin'

  4. Wow. That is goofy. What is that all about? Ann is such a strange and awkward person. Met her a couple of weeks ago and she was trying so hard to be warm and fuzzy, but she just came off as a cold fish. She should be what she is. When she tries to act warm and fuzzy in these little comments on Patch, it just seems so phony.

  5. The Mayor's Main St plan is ridiculous!
    If you want a look at what the future Main St will be like then just look back up at the current Lowell St situation between Rte.1 and Main St.
    Yup, one lane traffic ALL BACKED UP! Traffic goes real slow.
    How's business at Bonkers or Jades'
    Dunkin is must be "Loving it"!

  6. Maybe West Peabody can succeed from the rest of the city. We have a fire dept, post office and library. We can turn the Kiley into a middle school and we could take over the kennedy and make that our HS. They can take the piece of land in the Hannifords Plaza that use to have the movie theatre and erect a new city hall. Once they redo the new downtown that side of peabody will be dead to me. The previous poster is dead on about how it will mimic Lowell Street traffic with the one lane. That is going to be absolutely dreadful.

  7. "Take over the Kennedy?" How are we going to do that? By sending in the West Peabody Militia?

  8. Sure why not lol Hey anything to stay out of the downtown area...

  9. 9/1 @ 9:27 How dumb a statement can you have made? The Kennedy was sold way back when to a private entity by the City of Peabody. At the time it was controversial a sale. Those who were complaining about the sale wanted the city to keep the property for city use. It could have,at the time, been in use for many municipal purposes but money and politics got in the wayof keeping the Kennedy. To say go get the former school site is foolish thinking. The only way would be by emanate domain or a similar legal process by the city Of PEABODY, not a new city named what ever you would like to call that city or town. If there ever is a split ,which I doubt will happen, then and only then the new municipality would have to go to court and the court[s] will say no way to the new municipality. Your just mad because you not unlike every one who pays taxes in the city are ticked off at the nations economy and the less than ever employment opportunities and the high cost of living. Welcome to the club and thanks for your opinion but do try to realize the problem lies in federal governing first and fore most and then in our glorious state of taxachusetts and local governments. I do have to say I agree with your fustrations as is apparent with most if not all of the nations taxpayers. Why not really look at getting the best candidate for any and all offices at all levels of government . The short of all this is to get most or all of the incumbents out of office. After all they are not listening to us the taxpayers and the ones who put them in office. Yes!!, I'm as ticked off as you but I'm going to the polls with a clean out these people attitude. SO SHOULD YOU !.

  10. One lane in Peabody Square is fine. Just send the traffic through the Gardner Park Area. It will free up traffic in the downtown.

  11. OG says...can we try SOMETHING please? for decades we have TALKED about fixing downtown...can we just do SOMETHING ??? enough of the waiting and the planning and and the stalling and the delaying...OG says LET's TRY SOMETHING!!

  12. Pleae og, why don't you come up with an idea for onceand stop bitching. So I guess in Peabody a bad plan is better than no plan at all!

  13. Great job tonight by the at-large challengers on Bill Toomey's cable show. I will vote for Gould, Croce and Donovan for sure. I thought Croce was very impressive. Handles himself well. Russ knows his stuff too but a little boring. Tom was just OK, but I like him too.

  14. Saw it too. Hope people get to see these guys in action and vote for CHANGE. Croce and Donovan both had a good fiscally conservative messages. But you can also tell that they would be on the side of the residents when it comes to neighborhood issues. I am not sure yet on Gould. I might be wrong and unfair here but he does seem like he is with the established incumbents, and those incumbents need to go! I am willing though to hear more from Tom before making up my mind.

  15. What show? The owner of this blog shoud link the shows so that we can all see them

  16. From what I have just read, there will be another public meeting at the Torigian Center on Sept 12. The Peabody patch has the info...See ya there.

  17. OG says..
    this downtown revitalization talk amuses me too...the whole damn thing is one big patchwork quilt....have I heard a clear and cohesive big picture plan yet?? hell no !! instead it is one uncoordinated mess with no defined do we know where we want to go until we decide what we want to have here in downtown Dark City?
    riddle me this Batman...where is the beef and where is the plan???
