Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Congrats to Ted Bettencourt and the other candidates

What a great day for an election yesterday. It almost felt like summer with the trees still green. It was great to see all the sign holding and volume of people hitting the polls. It would have been great to have more but we know it will never happen.

So everyone...Today is a new day. We have a Mayor coming in that is young and full of energy. Will this be the beginning of a new era for Peabody? Or will he fail since he supposedly has no experience....

Based on what I read in the paper this morning, Sean showed up to his party last night and the Mayor left him a message and we still do not know the details of that message.

So will Sean return to Plaistow quietly or do we think he will take a renewed interest in Peabody....

Lets here what you think.


  1. Sean will always have an interest and will be a part of its history now and into the future. I'm sure he will be more than welcomed back in Plaistow,N.H. as Town Manager . He does a great job there . If Bettencourt doesn't do the job he has said he wants to do then the next election will be Seans .

  2. OG says...volume of people hitting the polls?? did I miss something ?? this voter turnout was lower than the prior two Mayoral contests so don't feel good about the Dark City voters going out to vote yesterday!

  3. Haters...LMAO

    Cry Cry Cry....While we all SMILE

  4. OG says...who's crying? it's nice to have a younger, home grown savior in the corner office as of 1/1/'s nice that Teflon Ted will be running Ted Town for MANY years to come because you know that we hate change here in's nice to see his strong home grown support here at the's nice to see the hope that he brings of good times ahead....and more importantly it will be nice to see how he handles the job so skillfully and smartly as you all expect in the months and years to come....OG is fine with the vote...the people (all 40% of them) have clearly spoken...let the good times roll !

  5. You sit here and whine about the small vote. Why not write an OP ED piece in the Salem News and Peabody Patch if you are so upset with the turn out. Maybe we should boot those people out of the city for not voting... OG instead of being a debbie downer, look at this as a great opportunity for change.

    I want Beverly Dunn to run for Councilor at Large so that we can have Ann get bounced and then we can have Ben Russell have an opportunity to take a school committee seat. Also would like to see Hochman go as well.

    Most people are not aware of this but Mikey is leaving him with a bag full of fun with contracts for the teachers, fire and the police. He will be tested day one and he will get seasoned very quickly.

  6. Sean lost for a number of reasons but low turnout was not one of them. Sean lost because he looked to carry on the stale old agenda of an incompetent mayor who endorsement was the kiss of death. I guess the mayor is still "outraged" at Ted because of his literature. Boy, the mayor really acted like a seasoned politician on that one. I have never seen an incumbent mayor of 10 years act like a 10 year old throwing a tantrum.
    What a Class act. On your way out the door Mr. Mayor, why don't you take Sean, Speros, Dean Martin Manning, and any other washed up, former elected officials to Plaistow. AMF

  7. OG you are happy and pleased with a 40% turnout on a perfect weather day when most Dark City political insiders expected a MUCH larger turnout? lower turnouts usually help incumbents...and those with grand name recognition...get the connection here? so all of you who come on here and whine about the need for change (myself included) have to accept the Dark City reality that nothing changes around here very quickly....very few first time entrants-even if well qualified- will get elected here due to our low turnouts and largely uninvolved and uninformed electorate.....I think we have about 30,000 registered voters here in Dark City..where the hell were they?? OG has said from day one that Teflon Ted would easily beat ANY challenger this year...this is no surprise victory at all...for a city that has now elected only three mayors in thirty plus years we are politically boring and uninviting to many good aspiring candidates that may lurk in our midst.... we sure as hell need term limits now here in Ted Town!! there is no energy or thirst for change in 01960...this is like watching a damn turtle cross the road!! it's a nice place to live but a lousy place to run for office...and that's how OG sees do the rest of you feel ? am I totally off base here ???

  8. if all these non-voters wanted Sean then they would have came out...You can't force people to vote and nor do you want too. You never want the uninformed voting. That would be very bad.

    You are already condemning Ted and he has not been sworn in yet. OG I have said this before and I will say it again. YOU are the problem. YOU are so fricken annoying with your dark city crap. Why don't you give him a year and see if he rises to the occasion. IF he doesn't then come back on here and continue with your banter...You are such an old grumpy fart!

    You think Bonfanti's stooge would have done better? Absolutely not. I do not even see him lasting in Plaistow at this point. That guy got crushed and there are people still trying to give it to him. His group was a bunch of goons. They were completely disorganized and they had Torigians and Bonfantis campaign managers? And Sean with ALL his experience could keep his campaign together of get donors? How the hell was he going to fight for federal funds when he could get actual residents of Peabody to give him a dime.

    I can't wait for Manning to squirm now. It is going to be the new must see tv!

  9. OG says..the clock starts ticking on January 1, 2012..if we get more of what we have seen on the City Council from Teflon Ted then I see don't foresee dramatic change..I am more than happy to give him time...he has all the time he wants because he is going to be Mayor for as long as he wants here in Ted Town...that's the way it works here.....they are all's almost like a Civil Service job when you get elected here in Ted can stay in the job for as long as you want ! take a look around....with all this experience and leadership we should be light years ahead and we are not and you want to know why ? we are stale and ineffective...rigor mortis has set in with some of these guys...we are desperately in need of new blood and there is a recognition of that fact by some but the thought is not supported in the voting booth by the we continue to spin our wheels in the mud...Teflon Ted will have much on his plate come January...and everything on that plate will have a large price tag to take care of...flooding mitigation and Higgins renovation for starters...let's see who complains when you get your next tax increase here in Ted won't be will be all the whiners who talk about waste yet have no political guts, insight or knowledge to ferret it we need a popularity contest winner or someone who will do what needs to be done without fear of political consequences?

  10. OG this blog out of business now since there is no longer a need to support the Bettencourt for Mayor Committee?

  11. Apparently it is in regards to the mayors race. Lets get onto other worth while matters . Maybe you can tell us your predictions about who TT will keep on from the past Bonfanti administration and who you think he will hire in their place. Keep in mind the political backers and favors he will have to consider. That alone will help to see if this site is out of business or not.

  12. This blog was never about Bettencourt. I apologize that there has not been a post what in a couple of days? All is quiet in Peabody after the election and lets let everyone rest and reconvene next week. OG why don't you take over the blogosphere if you would like.

    From my understanding with Bettencourt, the Mayor is giving him an office and allowing him to meet with employees and sit in on meetings. The Mayor has already deferred the Higgins project to him as well as to what they will choose in its place...

    So go spend some time with your family and enjoy the weekend. Today is veterans day and is not a day about politics but about honoring people that have served.

  13. hey OG fans...check me out at OG check YOUR pulse.

  14. how can we contact you? do you have an email?

  15. I just hope Ted doesnt hire a bunch of hacks that were glomming onto his campaign. It makes people nervous when the likes of Mcgeney and his crew are smothering Bettencourt with sloppy wet kisses. Watch out Ted. If you lay down with dogs and your bound to get fleas.

  16. McGeney is a piece of work. What I find disturbing is his support for the Voc and Ted's vote against it. Yet McGeney kissed his ass the whole campaign. The picture in the Patch of him standing behind him is really pathetic. Ican't believe that Ted does not see it. I guess it will be telling as to whether or not he likes him with how they are in the school committee meetings.

    I am sure there are a lot of people that think that since they spoke to Ted or held a sign for Ted that they will get a job. I hope Ted does the right thing and only hires the right people.

    I am going to keep notes of all the foolish quotes dave makes going forward because he should never have gotten back onto the school committee with someone like Russell's credentials. I like Brandy and Ed is new so I can't blame him for the mess the schools are in. Dave on the other hand is a useless wet noodle and I would tell that to his face. He does absolutely nothing for the schools of peabody and the kids that go. His vote is a wasted slot now on this committee....

  17. I should add that Dave still wishes he was king and maybe this is the only way he can feel like he is one...

  18. OG says.....

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  22. Please no outing of any commentors that do not wish to be identified. I would hate to have to have all of you create names and cause you the aggravation of signing in.

    BTW I think there is more than one person that does not like Dave....

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  24. Anon 4:38pm...nice try, very subtle. You are so transparent...very pathetic. Hope PP deletes your intentionally "identifying" post too!

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  26. To 8:37, Then you don't agree that the jerk is wrong in what he did? Maybe your name [full or not] will be used against you or someone else. I wasn't being subtle ,transparent, or pathetic because I had the guts to say what I did. You are because of these things that you call me. You haven't the guts to say or do any thing about the jerk and his rant against Dave. I do not know Dave or the jerk personally but I do know an unjustified attack on a persons character . OG is right about being civilized which you apparently are not. Stop trying to make unfounded &/or unjust comments to just make trouble here. As you can see my comments haven't been taken away from the site but yours have. I must be right after all.


    OG I gave you a couple of free posts for you blog but no more free advertising.

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  29. OG long PP...time to get civilized.

  30. If you go onto that site you'll see that there is no one writing on it . What does that tell you?

  31. Did you mean this site and not the Pulse site? OG hasn't the time to run both sites now. His creditability is always in question by some one who sees through his commentaries on the Pulse site.
