A blog that talks about the news and the current issues facing the city of Peabody, MA. If you would like to contact me please feel free to send me an email at peabodypolitics@gmail.com
Monday, October 31, 2011
One Week to GO!!!
Time has flown quickly this year. Feels like just yesterday we started hearing the announcements for Mayor...So Peabody Citizens....Who is going to win come next Tuesday? Let us hear your thoughts.
SC - Russell gets in along with Carpenter and Charest. McGeney is out - thanks for all you've done, Dave. No way Russell does not get in working as hard as he has.
CC Ward - The good doctor retains his seat in ward 3. I live here and most folks really like Rico. My parents tell me they are voting Forti and that he works hard. Unseating a ward councillor is near impossible in this city, but I'll take their word for it.
CC At-large - Gould and....Croce! Both are good guys and are smart businessmen. Liacos is out. Can't remember a council without him. Thank you for your many years on the council Jim, but there needs to be some turnover on the council. Gravel, Manning and Garabedian return easily. They have their followers and these followers will make sure they keep their seats.
Mayor - Bettencourt. No Surprise. It was an enjoyable mayor's race for a change. Too bad it has to come to a close.
Light Commission - D'Amato and Aylward. 1 & 2 in the primary; 1 & 2 in the general.
I listened to Sean's radio interview today and OMG it is horrible. He gave Manning the highest rankings of all city council presidents. It was her doing that got us the new zoning???? huh??? Continues to broad stroke Bettencourts take on the old zoning proposal. Watchout everyone. It doesn't matter what the bullets are, Sean will just vote for it to vote for it. I didn't want all that resident housing in downtown either. I do not want a downtown Lynn.
I so can't wait for this guy to shut his trap and get back up to Plaistow...
Manning was responsible for what? Zoning? Nothing has changed at all in this city. This idiotic administration has allowed 60 buses to be parked and pollute our residential neighborhood. I too can't wait for Sean to go away. How did this guy get a job as a town manager. I've never heard such stupidity. Good luck to Plaistow, you'll need it.
Hate to change the subject but felt compelled to comment on the PMLP considering the current news of hundreds of thousands of people who are still without power after Saturday's storm. Not to mention the SEN's recent commentaries regarding the plant.
I've been in my current house for over 7 years and haven't lost power for more than a few hours total. Even growing up in this city I don't recall ever losing power for an extended period of time. Pretty impressive considering we live in New England and typically have harsh weather conditions.
I'm fine if you want to scrutinize the PMLP over their cost structure or hiring policies. But let's not say they don't do a good job. They maintain their equipment (twice this summer they were on my street trimming back tree's that overhung their lines), they keep their rates low (and offer a true discount for paying early unlike the water "discount" you receive), and never ever have prolonged outages.
To me that constitutes an organization that meets its core responsibility. I would argue the PMLP is better run than any other part of the City. Please tell me an agency that Bonfanti runs that is close to as successful as this? Maybe he should back off and instead of criticizing he could ask for some pointers.....
OG says..OG says...my predictions? or my hopes? first of all let there be no mistake that Teflon Ted will be our next Dark City Mayor...as soon as his name was placed on the ballot the job was his. As for the At Large bids I have to fall back on 'hopes' and it would be wonderful to see Croce and Gould both be elected. Will that happen? you tell me Dark City...as for the SC race I have to think that we will once again make the new guy (Russell) run twice before we elect him...even though his credentials would make him a very appealing new addition to this SC..Charest has shown his passion for the job but Russell knows his stuff...prove me wrong Dark City...as for Light Commish...I like Birmingham's credentials for the job and I think that D'Amato will win a spot on charm alone...Mello is going nowhere and even though Osborne needs to go I don't see it happening since Forti has no momentum going....and that is how OG sees it...
OG, Full Disclosure: I'm voting for Forti but I am not involved in his campaign.
I beg to differ about Forti's momentum. I constantly see the guy out and about the ward talking to folk and giving his handouts or sign waving. He is beating Osborne in both number of signs and sign locations. I know people on this blog love to state that signs don't vote. True, but they don't magically appear either. You had to get some one to put it up and generally, if people are willing to publicly display your sign, you have their vote. I have seen the guy on public access television and at a coffee on my street. Most people I speak with in the ward talk highly of him and say he has their vote. So not sure what your looking for in terms of "momentum," but he is certainly out there campaigning. I also think the mayor's race has vastly overshadowed all other races in this city this election cycle.
Salem News endorses Ted Bettencourt for Mayor! That will help push the nail into the coffin for Sean. I got both the candidates flyers in the mail last night. Talk about them being on the same page. Peabody is in great position to become a very strong city again!
Looks like poor Mikey is sad that he will not be hired as a consultant by his lackey...Guess Mikey will have to get a job at the Northshore mall instead...I guess is it okay for him to exagerate Sean's record. The reality is that it is an old quote from Bonfanti and it is a quote...I don't see any plagerism here unlike the other candidate. BTW who the heck are those people endorsing Sean on his mailer card??? Kind of silly.
A little surprised Benton picked Bettencourt. I figured he' d go with Fitzgerald as he usually sided with Bonfanti. No big surprise from Benton's picks for at large and ward picks, he's in tight with the establishment so he will pick mostly incumbents. Also, he never had a good thing to say about Mellow (or Sinewitz for that matter) and he is good friends with and a supporter of Osborne - not to mention his neighbor.
I can't believe the SNEWS endorsed Serino over Rico. Clearly all of the SNEWS endorsements are not based on what's good for Peabody, but are based on what fits with the SNEWS political slant and beliefs. Rico will trounces Serino. Does Serino even have a pulse?
Is it just a coincidence that the Opinion and Politics editor of the SNEWS, the one who makes the endorsements, lives within 200 yards of three of his endorsements: Birmingham, Gravel and Osborne?
Are we to believe that these candidates proximity to the editor and their friendship with him had nothing to do with their endorsements?
OG says...OG is puzzled that Teflon Ted would use a quote from Mayor Mike on his political literature regarding TT's committee leadership work on protecting our holier than thou bond rating knowing full well that the Mayor is supporting Sean Fitz....isn't this approach a bit odd ? this just isn't a normal thing to do is it? while I can see the point about eating your own words there is still something a bit twisted about it...and that's how OG sees it..
So OG, he places it a little on the line now and you think it is odd. If he just sat back and took it you would be like typical Tephlon Ted...Your too much! The guy is setting the record straight that Sean's biggest and only public official supporter had high remarks about Ted's effort. Sean' has manipulated and ignored clear facts and Ted is standing up to him and the Mickey man...
I know our dimwitted mayor is leaving office but the stupidity meter has just broken a new record.I've taken some time off but the idiotic, moronic,childish, self serving baseless comments of this imcompetent mayor have to stop. So he's "outraged" that Bettencourt used his name in a campaign piece. Ok.....Let's see what the people of Peabody have to be outraged about.
1. An incompetent mayor who has raised taxes 10 years in a row. 2. A mayor with absolutely no educational vision or ideas tanks our school system. 3. Puts us into a voke school that will bankrupt our existing school budget. But don't worry he's getting two pensions and will sell off his home while we all take it up the tail pipe. 4. Hires an incompetent aide who is running for mayor. He then proceeds to tell us Sean was part of all his mayoral decisions. Oh My God.....I must be living in an alternative universe. It reminds me of the movie Dumb and Dumber! 5. A gaggle of missteps and bone head moves over 10 years you could write a book about.
Look, I could go on and on but whats the use. This mayor served 10 years and his record of accomplishment is zip, zero, nada, nil nothing. He outraged. Wait until the bill comes due for his wreckless, irresponsible spending. He better move out of town or he will get lynched. Maybe him and Sean can move to Plaistow and bring the stupidity there. But please Mr. Mayor shut your pie hole. Nothing intelligent ever comes out and every time you speak you weaken the nation.
Another lesson learned by Mayor Mike. Do not compliment or praise someone who does a good job until you are sure that he may not come back and run against either you or your croney. It looks bad when 5 years go by and you have to say you did not mean to praise that individual because he is now running against you and your croney. It does not pass the sniff test, Mike. You are an embarassment to Peabody and its citizens. Please just shut up and leave.
No matter what Bettencourt says about the past problem with his father and the police chief I think the chief will be retiring any way. He has more than enough time in for a good pension. Maybe the chief will go skiing in another state or will preach about drugs with the D.A. He always had a nose for drugs in the past and could do a great job speaking about the dangers of drug use.
Bettencourt for Mayor - he had an incredible show of force today with that sign-holding. I know "signs don't vote" but he has incredible, strong support.
So Manning finally comes out officially for Sean via a postcard??? Also, Sen sends a monsterous flyer with the Salem News article. Trying to give the impression that he got their endorsement??? Will Mikey call this an outrage????
Sean must be desparate to base his whole campaign on a lame duck mayor that couldn't manage a goldfish bowl. If that's the best he can do, Sean is in deep do-do.
If Sean is given a chance to manage what you have called the city a fish bowl it would be a lot better than Bettencourt. When you look at Sean's qualifications as compared to Bettencort you can be assured that a seat on the council isn't enough to compete with Sean. Who needs a lawyer to run things in the city when they have a bad rep to start out with. Have you not read the papers to see how many of them are /were in the courts for committing political illegalities? I'd rather have a man trained in the running of things here than a lawyer who apparently can't make it in the legal system.
Another attempt at the fitzgerald camp to broad brush Ted as one of those alleged lawyers that got themselves in to trouble. If anyone knows Ted he is the complete opposite of what you are attempting to paint.
Did everyone see the support that was out yesterday. It was deafening. The city of Peabody wants Bettencourt as the Mayor and I will vote for him and give him my support. Everytime I have heard him speak he has said the exact same thing. Sean has not done that and this city needs a huge cleansing from the Mikey administration. I hope Manning is not re-elected as well!
All that was said was that Bettencourt isn't the best choice for mayor. The proof of that is the fiasco in state politics led by lawyers. Bettencourt may be honest but that alone does not make him the better candidate. I'd rather have a trained and educated man with leadership experience than a trained lawyer. Lawyers know the in and outs of how to deceive the courts and public and how to make deals with those who give money to a candidates office run for self gain. In the court system have you ever seen how a lawyer manipulates the truth and gets a client off scott free or with a light sentence when they should have had a bigger sentence instead of a slap on the wrist? I am not broad brushing any thing and I'm not calling Bettencourt dishonest as a lawyer but his trained trade politically is to well known for being so controversial and dirty. Why bother taking the chance of electing some lawyer when you have another choice of a man with the known leadership qualities Sean Fitzgerald has.
OG says...why are any of you 'surprised' with the sign holding show of support for Teflon Ted...OG has told you all along that he became our next Mayor as soon as he put his name on the ballot. And now we wait to see how effectively he leads when in power as of 1/1/12....and that will be most interesting to see how it all unfolds because OG has also consistently said that he is not wowed and amazed with Ted's service on the City Council and now we are placing him with Dark City stewardship....so the future will tell the story and OG will either say "I told you so" or "you know what..Teflon Ted has been a breath of fresh air here in Dark City....we shall see...
People are ticked off enough to be ever vigilant of who they vote for now due to the nations over all problems and the increase of every thing in cost. The voting tax payers locally want the best for the city and the taxpaying pocket book. I agree with OG in that we will see the winners outcome but for him to say Bettencourt is the winner is a little to soon even though the election is not that far off. I predict that even the ethnic voters who usually vote the ethnic way are going to be a surprise for us to see what they do. They are as money aware as other city ethnics and knowing the old country way of thinking is what makes me say this. They aren't all that stupid to vote Bettencourt in the ethnic only thinking. Most voters are now second and third generation [or more]residents who are now more Americanized when it comes to the dollar. Once a ballot is in the ballot box no one knows who voted for who except for the final total vote that makes the winner. In any case good luck to the winner and I have hopes that Fitzgerald is the winner.
You can tell the people that have been posting on the patch are making their attacks here now...Gotta love the little kids trying.
So career politicians like Sean NEVER get in trouble...hmm Sean's supporter that was a Mayor of Salem. Stanley U. lied about his college education. Sean took his money as disclosed on the state site. I have seen MANY civil servants do lots of wrongs. Another example, look at the Revere Library case. How about the Court clerk stealing from the copy machines...Are you kidding me kiddies??? You really need to do your homework before you post. You really have no idea what you are saying...
The reality is that Sean is desperate. He puts out a HUGE flyer making it appear the Salem News endorsed him. NOT!!! That was a huge failure for Sean. He finally has Anne officially support him...Three days before the election...FAILURE again. This guy does not have sense to be more strategic and plan. He is using Spiro too! They though that the Mayor had all this clought and support and banked on that. The voters ARE very smart and they know the right person to vote for. BTW, you bring up ethnic groups...Just because they are telling you how they are voting does not mean they will when it comes to the polls. Sean has been harassing a lot of people and the only way to shut him up is to say you are going to vote for him...It is going to be a bloodbath and voter turnout will be huge sending a message to stay up in NH!!! Bettencourt all the way!
You must be one of "the little kids trying because of your response and comments . Sure !!your right about civil servants being thieves. Have you seen the campaign list of supporters money donations to Bettencourt? Are you so sure there isn't any who you could question about their donation to his campaign ? If you were to look at his supporters you might even see some who are questionable to say the least. That isn't to say Fitzgerald does or doesn't have the same problem . You site the crooks in other out of the city locals but I noticed you didn't go to the state level to see who the crooks are. To remind you I'll just say lawyers and leave it at that. I'm not saying Bettencourt is one of them but his training as a lawyer is what concerns me. Why would he want to be mayor if he ,as he says, is so good as a lawyer to make his living? Is the law firm he is /was associated with going to get some thing out of his being elected.? If your familiar with past law offices backing a candidate in the city then you'll know just what I'm getting at. You can't say Bettencourt isn't desperate as well. You prove this by your response to this site. Could you be a family member that is "a little kid trying" to get Bettencourt in office at any cost? Just what is your motivation? As for the ethnic vote I thought I made myself very clear on the issue. After the election look at the ethnic names to see if I'm right about them on the voting issue for either of the candidates. You do have the right to see who voted or not. It is public information. As far as harassment of the voters is concerned you can bet Bettencourts and Fitzgerald teams are on the telephones calling on people to vote and that can be considered harassment to say the least. Do you remember the past few presidential elections and the constant calling of voters homes? If from what I heard and read Fitzgerald will be more than welcome to stay employed in Plaistow,N.H. if he were to lose the election. They have the respect of his town manager political outcomes in all he has done there and he has done more than just giving lip service. He is the better of both men running because of his experience in politics getting things done. JMHO
You attempt to paint a picture that he is a thief or he will be deceptive because he practices law. Someone sounds very bitter and has a lot of hatred. Bettencourt is passionatte about his city and wants to run. I laughed when they asked about the comp to the candidates. This would be a signifigant pay raise. Maybe Sean should have agreed to work at his same current pay if Plaistow is so similar to Peabody. Of course he wont, he wants the increase.
I find it funny as per the norm, you guys make broad comments, all lawyers are bad, Ted has questionalbe people too...Like who tell us who you think is questionable? You probally want to state that all the support endorsements are questionable and have an angle too...
You guys are ridiculous. It is pure jealousy. Angry about the endorsements, about the Salem News Op Ed, about all the signs that were being held on Saturday and many other great moments for Ted. Sean and is group is not just crying saying it's not fair, why cant we get all this great support??? Why, because he is NO LEADER!
Dumbo Anonymous, Where did I say he was a thief as an individual? You seem to be some what illiterate in the area of reading what is in front of you. Yes it is true that I do not particularly care for some lawyers and that is not saying I feel he is a crook. I'm sure that you must have some dislike for those in other professions be they cops ,firemen, politicians, etc. What I'm saying is he can be one if he gets in and becomes greedy like the past three lawyers in state government. Why take the chance on him when we have a man, Fitzgerald, who has the back round to run the city. You do forget that Fitzgerald worked here for 50,000 people and then went to Plaistow which is a smaller community to run their towns business. He certainly has the experience in both municipalities does he not? Did the past mayors have the same qualifications when they ran and got into office? Did they,the past mayors in the last 50 or so years have the qualifications that Fitzgerald has before being mayor? I think not. You seem to be trying to distort what has been said by me and others from both sides in prior blogs on this site. You think both candidates should work for peanuts when in fact the American way of life is to strive for the better living styles and working wage . Is either candidate wealthy enough to do that ? If so then go and ask them both to work for less money. That brings to mind is Bettencourt to give up the law while he may be mayor[ note that I said maybe] ? He did say he would did he not? If he does then he must be making less as a lawyer than as the potential mayor. That alone says volumes and that makes my point. We need Fitzgeralds experience and knowledge of politics that he went to school for. I hate to be an OG or some other thinker but I'm of the opinion that the voting results will be a lot closer than the land slide he and some others else have said.
Your written acrobatics are amazing. In one sentence you state that your not calling Bettencourt a crook, but in the next you state that other lawyers have gotten into trouble so why not him. Hilarious stuff....
There are plenty of people in both politics, civil service, finance, and law that are unscrupulous. You name the profession and I'm 100% positive I can come up with an example. No doubt in my mind.
If one wanted to go far enough, I'm sure one could even question the current administration in office. For instance, what truly happened with the pollution of Spring Pond and was something swept under the rug by the Bonfanti (& Fitzgerald) administration? Seems to me that Dick C got run out of town in the darkness of night and the Peabody taxpayer got stuck with a $1M bill. Yet no one really knows the true story?
Or how come every city employee received raises the last few years while the rest of the country experienced the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression?
Or how did anyone in the Bonfanti & Fitzgerald administration think that a 911 holiday for the Police union made sense?
Or how come developers have been allowed to run wild in this community for the past decade with no repercussions? Seems odd that one was allowed to tear down buildings and trees on Rt1, adversely affect the neighborhood behind it, and then leave the site in total disarray because the project through. The city didn't even step in to force the developer to complete the land preparation piece of the project (which seems commonplace in other communities).
So before you start throwing rocks at one candidate, you should take a look at your own. There has been plenty (and I mean plenty) of things one could question from the Bonfanti & Fitzgerald administration.
OG says...here we are on election night eve...let's hope that the Dark City voters get off their lazy and/or overworked asses on Tuesday and get out there and vote...there will never be any change without this participation and involvement by the voters....we can all predict the winners all night long but in the end let us hope that those who seek and hope for change will find it with this election...there is a nice opportunity to bring in some new blood in some of these races so please don't let me down Dark City....don't vote for who has the best mailing stuffers or who the guy next door tells you to vote for...take a good hard look at your options..it is put up or shut up time...many of you talk about the winds of change swirling and I hope I feel some of that on my face on Tuesday...great weather to get you out to the polls...will OG be disappointed again or will a ray of bright sunlight creep over Dark City tomorrow...we shall see..
My first post on this blog. What a horror-show you all make pecking away at keys with overt hostility. But it's fun to read. I am excited to see the results of this election merely because it will tell me a whole lot about my hometown. The city is deciding between a charming, chatty progressive Irish-American democrat and a shy conservative Golden Boy athlete-attorney (Who I hear is registered "Democrat," but a local sheep is missing a wardrobe).
I like both candidates as human beings, but I fear some of the Tea Party rhetoric that has come out of the Bettencourt camp. I fear when Bettencourt calls State and Federal aid "government bailouts." I fear when his camp successfully makes a vocational school such a hostile wedge issue with voters, leaving silent its merit for the future domestic employment of our kids. I fear a candidate that will hold the line on corporate taxes with one hand, and aggressively reduce the quality of employees' health care with the other. I fear when Bettencourt doesn't seem to have a clear, specific and detailed plan for phase 2 and 3 of flood mitigation. I fear his message of "self-reliance," merely due to the fact that our history books have shown such political messages to have dark human results. I fear a campaign that runs so successfully on words as flaccid as "cheerleading" and "teamwork." The message sounds void and hollow to my ears. Depth-less.
I am not sure what tomorrow's results will bring, because signs don't vote and seniors are the deadly silent majority at the ballots. But if Bettencourt wins big, then I will be convinced that, although Peabody is often called a "political town," there is really not a whole lot of meaning behind the adjective "political" in Peabody. No REAL political discourse. Only chummy networks and vaguely-educated voters.
I hope to be wrong, and this race proves tight. Good luck to both candidates and to our dubious city.
Oh please. Are you serious? You attempt to praise Bettencourt while in the same breath you backhand him...Not one comment about Sean. Hmm I wonder who you are supporting...
Lets put it this way and this is not the case. Ted could be the worst skilled person ever BUT if people like him and respect him then the people will vote for him. It is that simple! Sean is not likable because he is not a people person. He thinks he knows more than anyone else and you know what he doesn't.
Now fact. Bettencourt has said he is a democrat but that means squat at the end of the day. It is about getting the job done. I work in corporate america and his vision of his organization gravitates to me. Why? He will admit that he does not know everything. A successful CEO will be humble like Ted has been since day one. All successful companies establish different committees and bring the right people together to talk through issues and brainstorm solutions. By him proposing this method demonstrated that he will run this city like a business.
With regards to the Vocational School. Worst decision ever. Not that I don't want the best opportunities but you do not give that much financial control to an outside entity...There are no contractual ceilings created to prevent abuse and overfunding of the school. They can ask for whatever they want and the city will need to adjust and attempt to balance a budget with a huge annual unknown. Also, do you realize that the city council will be in charge of this and not the school committee? I believe Ted will be the champion for the city and make sure the person sitting on the school board will do the right thing. So your idea of a wedge is absolutely crazy talk and scare tactics. He has acknowledged this train is going and he will support it and make sure we are getting the best bang for our buck. Just don't blame him when we are raising taxes to support this boondoggle....s
Also, you comment about healthcare...All the cities and towns are going to excersise that so that they actually have negotiating power. I commend him doing that and acting like a leader whereas Sean trys to make it a negative and scare people that Ted is out to get everyone out of city hall.
So I can surmise that you are smart and are attempting to just use scare tactics or are unaware of how major businesses work and have profitability for its shareholders. The city of Peabody's profit margins will be continued low taxes with great services and schools. Not to mention a great new demand on our homes since businesses and families will want to move here...
BTW, Phase 2 and 3 have been planned out and we are going to need Salem to agree to help with this process.
11/27 @ 628, You talk about the Spring Pond costly fiasco but yet you do not seem to point out that your Teflon Ted was a councillor at the time. Did he or the other CC members do any thing -really- about Carnavale? They may have given some lip service but that is all. Was TT an administration member, you bet he was.If he were such a great member and for what was right for the taxpayers he would have made the necessary waves to make things right. His lawyer back round and his being a CC member should/would have been a good thing for his eventual run for mayor.Why he didn't is the question and what was the reason for not doing it. There can be no doubt every administration has had its problems.Could it be that Carnavale ,as I understand it, is or was going out with a Torigian girl and that certain political figures did not want to ruin the Torigian name and legacy. [It is hard to remove the Torigian name from the things his name are on.] You can not blame Fitzgerald for any thing to do with the problem[s] of the city because he was not the one to make the decisions of the elected officials which Bettencourt was one. Did Bettencourt say any thing at all about the city employees getting raises? As for the developers where was the inspection dept. and the CC? Again Bettencourt was a CC member was he not? About throwing rocks- I have looked at my choice of who would get my vote and it is Fitzgerald. One of my many reasons is that his job wasn't on the CC and he wasn't the mayor so I don't think your any where near right to include Fitzgerald as a decider of who ,what ,where, and how any thing were to be done. As for the 911 police fiasco I agree that they all went about the raise giving wrong and who was responsible on both sides of the table negotiations. They ,who did this on both table sides, should have made /or not made the raise should have called it some thing else instead of embarassing the city county wide. It was the worst thing to have done considering the 911 event . So!!!!!!! you see your claim of rock throwing by me is negated by your choice of mayor because he was a part of the Bonfanti administration that did very little if any thing at all in the matters of the past things you have brought up. If your not a Bettencourt family member vote for Fitzgerald and be assured of better governing in this the DARK CITY as OG describes it.
You clearly don't understand how city government is structured. It's the administration that runs day to day operations, not the city council. And both Fitzgerald and Bonfanti have said that Sean was involved as part of day to day decision making. Are you now saying that Sean was just a coffee gopher instead or was he managing with Bonfanti and responsible for the above mentioned questionable actions? Pick one, because you can't have it both ways.
To 2:14, I agree with you that it will be over soon but let the winner be announced before you say Sean is destroyed. To 8:13 - The CC is a n arm of the administration and does the job of running the city by doing their part. The mayor does the job he does with the administration of governing with the CC. If the mayors office were the only decision maker we wouldn't have any need for a CC. The mayor tells his working help what to do and that included Sean when he worked for him and the late Pete Torigian. I rather doubt that a or any decision to do any thing at all by Sean was done w/o the mayors permission . Anyone can suggest any thing to any person but that person has to give thought to that suggestion before saying ok or not to do it. We have approx. 8 hours before the votes are counted and that will tell us all the outcome and with hope it is the right person to become the mayor. That person is Sean Fitzgerald as I see it. If not then time will tell if Sean or Bettencourt can or will do the job for the taxpayer voters . If he doesn't then he will be the shortest termed mayor in most of Peabody's history and that goes them both depending on who gets the job as mayor.
Hey 3:38pm According to the Patch: Unofficial numbers have Ted Bettencourt at 8,692, beating Sean Fitzgerald at 4,957. Is it safe to say that Teddy "destroyed" Sean now??? Or does almost 4000 votes qualifiy as "obliterated?"
As best as I can see it... ALL the incumbents were re-elected, and we get Gould on the City Council and Aylward on the Light Commission. Glad about Gould and sad about Aylward.
And Ted vs. Sean? Why bother discussing it any longer. I just hope Ted can live up to his hype because so far (the last 8 years) he has not.
OG says....way to go Dark City...thanks for all the 'change' we hear about all the time but never actually see on election days....and thanks for the lousy voter turnout on a perfect weather day too...and thanks to all those good candidates who just didn't have the right stuff to overcome the uninformed electorate and lazy ass voters that have been groomed here in Dark City for many years now....OG comes on here and takes a good number of hits for being so damn negative and gloomy and as we look over our latest election results what do we see? not much change at all....if Bettencourt wasn't running for Mayor your Dark City voters would have delivered the same City Council members and the same School Committee members so apparently everything is just fine here in Dark City and maybe OG is the problem....turn out the lights and welcome to Ted Town.
Aylward has stated that one of his main platforms is that he is against joining the Massachusetts Go Green initiative. This is the fund that helps cities and towns (and individuals) pay for green projects. So if we wanted to erect a wind turbine or put solar panels on the new Higgins... they would have seriously helped to cover the costs.
This is the future of energy and this candidate has stated he is against it. Thus I am unhappy that he has been elected.
ReplyDeleteSC - Russell gets in along with Carpenter and Charest. McGeney is out - thanks for all you've done, Dave. No way Russell does not get in working as hard as he has.
CC Ward - The good doctor retains his seat in ward 3. I live here and most folks really like Rico. My parents tell me they are voting Forti and that he works hard. Unseating a ward councillor is near impossible in this city, but I'll take their word for it.
CC At-large - Gould and....Croce! Both are good guys and are smart businessmen. Liacos is out. Can't remember a council without him. Thank you for your many years on the council Jim, but there needs to be some turnover on the council. Gravel, Manning and Garabedian return easily. They have their followers and these followers will make sure they keep their seats.
Mayor - Bettencourt. No Surprise. It was an enjoyable mayor's race for a change. Too bad it has to come to a close.
Light Commission - D'Amato and Aylward. 1 & 2 in the primary; 1 & 2 in the general.
I listened to Sean's radio interview today and OMG it is horrible. He gave Manning the highest rankings of all city council presidents. It was her doing that got us the new zoning???? huh??? Continues to broad stroke Bettencourts take on the old zoning proposal. Watchout everyone. It doesn't matter what the bullets are, Sean will just vote for it to vote for it. I didn't want all that resident housing in downtown either. I do not want a downtown Lynn.
ReplyDeleteI so can't wait for this guy to shut his trap and get back up to Plaistow...
Sean's gut experience milking a cow too working in Plaistow...maybe he can get a job at Brooksby Farm!!!
ReplyDeleteManning was responsible for what? Zoning? Nothing has changed at all in this city. This idiotic administration has allowed 60 buses to be parked and pollute our residential neighborhood. I too can't wait for Sean to go away. How did this guy get a job as a town manager. I've never heard such stupidity. Good luck to Plaistow, you'll need it.
ReplyDeleteHate to change the subject but felt compelled to comment on the PMLP considering the current news of hundreds of thousands of people who are still without power after Saturday's storm. Not to mention the SEN's recent commentaries regarding the plant.
ReplyDeleteI've been in my current house for over 7 years and haven't lost power for more than a few hours total. Even growing up in this city I don't recall ever losing power for an extended period of time. Pretty impressive considering we live in New England and typically have harsh weather conditions.
I'm fine if you want to scrutinize the PMLP over their cost structure or hiring policies. But let's not say they don't do a good job. They maintain their equipment (twice this summer they were on my street trimming back tree's that overhung their lines), they keep their rates low (and offer a true discount for paying early unlike the water "discount" you receive), and never ever have prolonged outages.
To me that constitutes an organization that meets its core responsibility. I would argue the PMLP is better run than any other part of the City. Please tell me an agency that Bonfanti runs that is close to as successful as this? Maybe he should back off and instead of criticizing he could ask for some pointers.....
Personally,I will not be voting for any incumbents in any of the races.
ReplyDeleteOG says..OG says...my predictions? or my hopes? first of all let there be no mistake that Teflon Ted will be our next Dark City Mayor...as soon as his name was placed on the ballot the job was his. As for the At Large bids I have to fall back on 'hopes' and it would be wonderful to see Croce and Gould both be elected. Will that happen? you tell me Dark City...as for the SC race I have to think that we will once again make the new guy (Russell) run twice before we elect him...even though his credentials would make him a very appealing new addition to this SC..Charest has shown his passion for the job but Russell knows his stuff...prove me wrong Dark City...as for Light Commish...I like Birmingham's credentials for the job and I think that D'Amato will win a spot on charm alone...Mello is going nowhere and even though Osborne needs to go I don't see it happening since Forti has no momentum going....and that is how OG sees it...
ReplyDeleteOG, Full Disclosure: I'm voting for Forti but I am not involved in his campaign.
ReplyDeleteI beg to differ about Forti's momentum. I constantly see the guy out and about the ward talking to folk and giving his handouts or sign waving. He is beating Osborne in both number of signs and sign locations. I know people on this blog love to state that signs don't vote. True, but they don't magically appear either. You had to get some one to put it up and generally, if people are willing to publicly display your sign, you have their vote. I have seen the guy on public access television and at a coffee on my street. Most people I speak with in the ward talk highly of him and say he has their vote. So not sure what your looking for in terms of "momentum," but he is certainly out there campaigning. I also think the mayor's race has vastly overshadowed all other races in this city this election cycle.
Salem News endorses Ted Bettencourt for Mayor! That will help push the nail into the coffin for Sean. I got both the candidates flyers in the mail last night. Talk about them being on the same page. Peabody is in great position to become a very strong city again!
ReplyDeleteLooks like poor Mikey is sad that he will not be hired as a consultant by his lackey...Guess Mikey will have to get a job at the Northshore mall instead...I guess is it okay for him to exagerate Sean's record. The reality is that it is an old quote from Bonfanti and it is a quote...I don't see any plagerism here unlike the other candidate. BTW who the heck are those people endorsing Sean on his mailer card??? Kind of silly.
A little surprised Benton picked Bettencourt. I figured he' d go with Fitzgerald as he usually sided with Bonfanti. No big surprise from Benton's picks for at large and ward picks, he's in tight with the establishment so he will pick mostly incumbents. Also, he never had a good thing to say about Mellow (or Sinewitz for that matter) and he is good friends with and a supporter of Osborne - not to mention his neighbor.
ReplyDeleteI can't believe the SNEWS endorsed Serino over Rico. Clearly all of the SNEWS endorsements are not based on what's good for Peabody, but are based on what fits with the SNEWS political slant and beliefs. Rico will trounces Serino. Does Serino even have a pulse?
ReplyDeleteIs it just a coincidence that the Opinion and Politics editor of the SNEWS, the one who makes the endorsements, lives within 200 yards of three of his endorsements: Birmingham, Gravel and Osborne?
ReplyDeleteAre we to believe that these candidates proximity to the editor and their friendship with him had nothing to do with their endorsements?
OG says...OG is puzzled that Teflon Ted would use a quote from Mayor Mike on his political literature regarding TT's committee leadership work on protecting our holier than thou bond rating knowing full well that the Mayor is supporting Sean Fitz....isn't this approach a bit odd ? this just isn't a normal thing to do is it? while I can see the point about eating your own words there is still something a bit twisted about it...and that's how OG sees it..
ReplyDeleteSo OG, he places it a little on the line now and you think it is odd. If he just sat back and took it you would be like typical Tephlon Ted...Your too much! The guy is setting the record straight that Sean's biggest and only public official supporter had high remarks about Ted's effort. Sean' has manipulated and ignored clear facts and Ted is standing up to him and the Mickey man...
ReplyDeleteI know our dimwitted mayor is leaving office but the stupidity meter has just broken a new record.I've taken some time off but the idiotic, moronic,childish, self serving baseless comments of this imcompetent mayor have to stop. So he's "outraged" that Bettencourt used his name in a campaign piece. Ok.....Let's see what the people of Peabody have to be outraged about.
ReplyDelete1. An incompetent mayor who has raised taxes 10 years in a row.
2. A mayor with absolutely no educational vision or ideas tanks our school system.
3. Puts us into a voke school that will bankrupt our existing school budget. But don't worry he's getting two pensions and will sell off his home while we all take it up the tail pipe.
4. Hires an incompetent aide who is running for mayor. He then proceeds to tell us Sean was part of all his mayoral decisions. Oh My God.....I must be living in an alternative universe. It reminds me of the movie Dumb and Dumber!
5. A gaggle of missteps and bone head moves over 10 years you could write a book about.
Look, I could go on and on but whats the use. This mayor served 10 years and his record of accomplishment is zip, zero, nada, nil nothing.
He outraged. Wait until the bill comes due for his wreckless, irresponsible spending. He better move out of town or he will get lynched. Maybe him and Sean can move to Plaistow and bring the stupidity there. But please Mr. Mayor shut your pie hole. Nothing intelligent ever comes out and every time you speak you weaken the nation.
Another lesson learned by Mayor Mike. Do not compliment or praise someone who does a good job until you are sure that he may not come back and run against either you or your croney. It looks bad when 5 years go by and you have to say you did not mean to praise that individual because he is now running against you and your croney. It does not pass the sniff test, Mike. You are an embarassment to Peabody and its citizens. Please just shut up and leave.
ReplyDeleteBettencourt for Mayor
ReplyDeleteGould and Croce in for At-large, Liacos out
All incumbents return in SC
DAmato and Aylward in for Light Com.
Mello returns easily in ward 3
Forti pulls it off and wins ward 1
That is how I see it.
The most important improvement bar none in Peabody will be when Bonfanti is gone. I don't care who gets elected as long as he hits the road.
(in that order)
I agree with all but live in ward 1,
ReplyDeleteForti for ward 1
Mello for ward 3
Mayor: Bettencourt
ReplyDeleteAt-Large: Gravel, Manning, Garabedian, Gould, Croce.
Wards: 1 - Forti 3 - Mello
School Committee: Carpenter, Charest, Russell.
Light Commissioners: D'Amato, Aylward.
Library Trustee, Heath
No matter what Bettencourt says about the past problem with his father and the police chief I think the chief will be retiring any way. He has more than enough time in for a good pension. Maybe the chief will go skiing in another state or will preach about drugs with the D.A. He always had a nose for drugs in the past and could do a great job speaking about the dangers of drug use.
ReplyDeleteBettencourt for Mayor - he had an incredible show of force today with that sign-holding. I know "signs don't vote" but he has incredible, strong support.
ReplyDeleteSo Manning finally comes out officially for Sean via a postcard??? Also, Sen sends a monsterous flyer with the Salem News article. Trying to give the impression that he got their endorsement??? Will Mikey call this an outrage????
ReplyDeleteSean must be desparate to base his whole campaign on a lame duck mayor that couldn't manage a goldfish bowl. If that's the best he can do, Sean is in deep do-do.
ReplyDeleteIf Sean is given a chance to manage what you have called the city a fish bowl it would be a lot better than Bettencourt.
ReplyDeleteWhen you look at Sean's qualifications as compared to Bettencort you can be assured that a seat on the council isn't enough to compete with Sean. Who needs a lawyer to run things in the city when they have a bad rep to start out with. Have you not read the papers to see how many of them are /were in the courts for committing political illegalities? I'd rather have a man trained in the running of things here than a lawyer who apparently can't make it in the legal system.
Another attempt at the fitzgerald camp to broad brush Ted as one of those alleged lawyers that got themselves in to trouble. If anyone knows Ted he is the complete opposite of what you are attempting to paint.
ReplyDeleteDid everyone see the support that was out yesterday. It was deafening. The city of Peabody wants Bettencourt as the Mayor and I will vote for him and give him my support. Everytime I have heard him speak he has said the exact same thing. Sean has not done that and this city needs a huge cleansing from the Mikey administration. I hope Manning is not re-elected as well!
All that was said was that Bettencourt isn't the best choice for mayor. The proof of that is the fiasco in state politics led by lawyers. Bettencourt may be honest but that alone does not make him the better candidate. I'd rather have a trained and educated man with leadership experience than a trained lawyer. Lawyers know the in and outs of how to deceive the courts and public and how to make deals with those who give money to a candidates office run for self gain. In the court system have you ever seen how a lawyer manipulates the truth and gets a client off scott free or with a light sentence when they should have had a bigger sentence instead of a slap on the wrist? I am not broad brushing any thing and I'm not calling Bettencourt dishonest as a lawyer but his trained trade politically is to well known for being so controversial and dirty. Why bother taking the chance of electing some lawyer when you have another choice of a man with the known leadership qualities Sean Fitzgerald has.
ReplyDeleteYour totally right, career civil servants always behave ethically. You almost never hear anything about them in the news.
ReplyDeleteOG says...why are any of you 'surprised' with the sign holding show of support for Teflon Ted...OG has told you all along that he became our next Mayor as soon as he put his name on the ballot. And now we wait to see how effectively he leads when in power as of 1/1/12....and that will be most interesting to see how it all unfolds because OG has also consistently said that he is not wowed and amazed with Ted's service on the City Council and now we are placing him with Dark City stewardship....so the future will tell the story and OG will either say "I told you so" or "you know what..Teflon Ted has been a breath of fresh air here in Dark City....we shall see...
ReplyDeletePeople are ticked off enough to be ever vigilant of who they vote for now due to the nations over all problems and the increase of every thing in cost. The voting tax payers locally want the best for the city and the taxpaying pocket book. I agree with OG in that we will see the winners outcome but for him to say Bettencourt is the winner is a little to soon even though the election is not that far off. I predict that even the ethnic voters who usually vote the ethnic way are going to be a surprise for us to see what they do. They are as money aware as other city ethnics and knowing the old country way of thinking is what makes me say this. They aren't all that stupid to vote Bettencourt in the ethnic only thinking. Most voters are now second and third generation [or more]residents who are now more Americanized when it comes to the dollar. Once a ballot is in the ballot box no one knows who voted for who except for the final total vote that makes the winner. In any case good luck to the winner and I have hopes that Fitzgerald is the winner.
ReplyDeleteFitzgerald has no shot. I repeat, NO SHOT.
ReplyDeleteYou can tell the people that have been posting on the patch are making their attacks here now...Gotta love the little kids trying.
ReplyDeleteSo career politicians like Sean NEVER get in trouble...hmm Sean's supporter that was a Mayor of Salem. Stanley U. lied about his college education. Sean took his money as disclosed on the state site. I have seen MANY civil servants do lots of wrongs. Another example, look at the Revere Library case. How about the Court clerk stealing from the copy machines...Are you kidding me kiddies??? You really need to do your homework before you post. You really have no idea what you are saying...
The reality is that Sean is desperate. He puts out a HUGE flyer making it appear the Salem News endorsed him. NOT!!! That was a huge failure for Sean. He finally has Anne officially support him...Three days before the election...FAILURE again. This guy does not have sense to be more strategic and plan. He is using Spiro too! They though that the Mayor had all this clought and support and banked on that. The voters ARE very smart and they know the right person to vote for. BTW, you bring up ethnic groups...Just because they are telling you how they are voting does not mean they will when it comes to the polls. Sean has been harassing a lot of people and the only way to shut him up is to say you are going to vote for him...It is going to be a bloodbath and voter turnout will be huge sending a message to stay up in NH!!! Bettencourt all the way!
You must be one of "the little kids trying because of your response and comments . Sure !!your right about civil servants being thieves. Have you seen the campaign list of supporters money donations to Bettencourt? Are you so sure there isn't any who you could question about their donation to his campaign ? If you were to look at his supporters you might even see some who are questionable to say the least. That isn't to say Fitzgerald does or doesn't have the same problem . You site the crooks in other out of the city locals but I noticed you didn't go to the state level to see who the crooks are. To remind you I'll just say lawyers and leave it at that. I'm not saying Bettencourt is one of them but his training as a lawyer is what concerns me. Why would he want to be mayor if he ,as he says, is so good as a lawyer to make his living? Is the law firm he is /was associated with going to get some thing out of his being elected.? If your familiar with past law offices backing a candidate in the city then you'll know just what I'm getting at. You can't say Bettencourt isn't desperate as well. You prove this by your response to this site. Could you be a family member that is "a little kid trying" to get Bettencourt in office at any cost? Just what is your motivation? As for the ethnic vote I thought I made myself very clear on the issue. After the election look at the ethnic names to see if I'm right about them on the voting issue for either of the candidates. You do have the right to see who voted or not. It is public information. As far as harassment of the voters is concerned you can bet Bettencourts and Fitzgerald teams are on the telephones calling on people to vote and that can be considered harassment to say the least. Do you remember the past few presidential elections and the constant calling of voters homes? If from what I heard and read Fitzgerald will be more than welcome to stay employed in Plaistow,N.H. if he were to lose the election. They have the respect of his town manager political outcomes in all he has done there and he has done more than just giving lip service. He is the better of both men running because of his experience in politics getting things done. JMHO
ReplyDeleteYou attempt to paint a picture that he is a thief or he will be deceptive because he practices law. Someone sounds very bitter and has a lot of hatred. Bettencourt is passionatte about his city and wants to run. I laughed when they asked about the comp to the candidates. This would be a signifigant pay raise. Maybe Sean should have agreed to work at his same current pay if Plaistow is so similar to Peabody. Of course he wont, he wants the increase.
I find it funny as per the norm, you guys make broad comments, all lawyers are bad, Ted has questionalbe people too...Like who tell us who you think is questionable? You probally want to state that all the support endorsements are questionable and have an angle too...
You guys are ridiculous. It is pure jealousy. Angry about the endorsements, about the Salem News Op Ed, about all the signs that were being held on Saturday and many other great moments for Ted. Sean and is group is not just crying saying it's not fair, why cant we get all this great support??? Why, because he is NO LEADER!
Dumbo Anonymous, Where did I say he was a thief as an individual? You seem to be some what illiterate in the area of reading what is in front of you. Yes it is true that I do not particularly care for some lawyers and that is not saying I feel he is a crook. I'm sure that you must have some dislike for those in other professions be they cops ,firemen, politicians, etc. What I'm saying is he can be one if he gets in and becomes greedy like the past three lawyers in state government. Why take the chance on him when we have a man, Fitzgerald, who has the back round to run the city. You do forget that Fitzgerald worked here for 50,000 people and then went to Plaistow which is a smaller community to run their towns business. He certainly has the experience in both municipalities does he not? Did the past mayors have the same qualifications when they ran and got into office? Did they,the past mayors in the last 50 or so years have the qualifications that Fitzgerald has before being mayor? I think not. You seem to be trying to distort what has been said by me and others from both sides in prior blogs on this site. You think both candidates should work for peanuts when in fact the American way of life is to strive for the better living styles and working wage . Is either candidate wealthy enough to do that ? If so then go and ask them both to work for less money. That brings to mind is Bettencourt to give up the law while he may be mayor[ note that I said maybe] ? He did say he would did he not? If he does then he must be making less as a lawyer than as the potential mayor. That alone says volumes and that makes my point. We need Fitzgeralds experience and knowledge of politics that he went to school for. I hate to be an OG or some other thinker but I'm of the opinion that the voting results will be a lot closer than the land slide he and some others else have said.
ReplyDeleteYour written acrobatics are amazing. In one sentence you state that your not calling Bettencourt a crook, but in the next you state that other lawyers have gotten into trouble so why not him. Hilarious stuff....
ReplyDeleteThere are plenty of people in both politics, civil service, finance, and law that are unscrupulous. You name the profession and I'm 100% positive I can come up with an example. No doubt in my mind.
If one wanted to go far enough, I'm sure one could even question the current administration in office. For instance, what truly happened with the pollution of Spring Pond and was something swept under the rug by the Bonfanti (& Fitzgerald) administration? Seems to me that Dick C got run out of town in the darkness of night and the Peabody taxpayer got stuck with a $1M bill. Yet no one really knows the true story?
Or how come every city employee received raises the last few years while the rest of the country experienced the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression?
Or how did anyone in the Bonfanti & Fitzgerald administration think that a 911 holiday for the Police union made sense?
Or how come developers have been allowed to run wild in this community for the past decade with no repercussions? Seems odd that one was allowed to tear down buildings and trees on Rt1, adversely affect the neighborhood behind it, and then leave the site in total disarray because the project through. The city didn't even step in to force the developer to complete the land preparation piece of the project (which seems commonplace in other communities).
So before you start throwing rocks at one candidate, you should take a look at your own. There has been plenty (and I mean plenty) of things one could question from the Bonfanti & Fitzgerald administration.
OG says...here we are on election night eve...let's hope that the Dark City voters get off their lazy and/or overworked asses on Tuesday and get out there and vote...there will never be any change without this participation and involvement by the voters....we can all predict the winners all night long but in the end let us hope that those who seek and hope for change will find it with this election...there is a nice opportunity to bring in some new blood in some of these races so please don't let me down Dark City....don't vote for who has the best mailing stuffers or who the guy next door tells you to vote for...take a good hard look at your options..it is put up or shut up time...many of you talk about the winds of change swirling and I hope I feel some of that on my face on Tuesday...great weather to get you out to the polls...will OG be disappointed again or will a ray of bright sunlight creep over Dark City tomorrow...we shall see..
ReplyDeleteLadies and Gents,
ReplyDeleteMy first post on this blog. What a horror-show you all make pecking away at keys with overt hostility. But it's fun to read. I am excited to see the results of this election merely because it will tell me a whole lot about my hometown. The city is deciding between a charming, chatty progressive Irish-American democrat and a shy conservative Golden Boy athlete-attorney (Who I hear is registered "Democrat," but a local sheep is missing a wardrobe).
I like both candidates as human beings, but I fear some of the Tea Party rhetoric that has come out of the Bettencourt camp. I fear when Bettencourt calls State and Federal aid "government bailouts." I fear when his camp successfully makes a vocational school such a hostile wedge issue with voters, leaving silent its merit for the future domestic employment of our kids. I fear a candidate that will hold the line on corporate taxes with one hand, and aggressively reduce the quality of employees' health care with the other. I fear when Bettencourt doesn't seem to have a clear, specific and detailed plan for phase 2 and 3 of flood mitigation. I fear his message of "self-reliance," merely due to the fact that our history books have shown such political messages to have dark human results. I fear a campaign that runs so successfully on words as flaccid as "cheerleading" and "teamwork." The message sounds void and hollow to my ears. Depth-less.
I am not sure what tomorrow's results will bring, because signs don't vote and seniors are the deadly silent majority at the ballots. But if Bettencourt wins big, then I will be convinced that, although Peabody is often called a "political town," there is really not a whole lot of meaning behind the adjective "political" in Peabody. No REAL political discourse. Only chummy networks and vaguely-educated voters.
I hope to be wrong, and this race proves tight. Good luck to both candidates and to our dubious city.
Thank you--- now back to your nonsense.
Oh please. Are you serious? You attempt to praise Bettencourt while in the same breath you backhand him...Not one comment about Sean. Hmm I wonder who you are supporting...
ReplyDeleteLets put it this way and this is not the case. Ted could be the worst skilled person ever BUT if people like him and respect him then the people will vote for him. It is that simple! Sean is not likable because he is not a people person. He thinks he knows more than anyone else and you know what he doesn't.
Now fact. Bettencourt has said he is a democrat but that means squat at the end of the day. It is about getting the job done. I work in corporate america and his vision of his organization gravitates to me. Why? He will admit that he does not know everything. A successful CEO will be humble like Ted has been since day one. All successful companies establish different committees and bring the right people together to talk through issues and brainstorm solutions. By him proposing this method demonstrated that he will run this city like a business.
With regards to the Vocational School. Worst decision ever. Not that I don't want the best opportunities but you do not give that much financial control to an outside entity...There are no contractual ceilings created to prevent abuse and overfunding of the school. They can ask for whatever they want and the city will need to adjust and attempt to balance a budget with a huge annual unknown. Also, do you realize that the city council will be in charge of this and not the school committee? I believe Ted will be the champion for the city and make sure the person sitting on the school board will do the right thing. So your idea of a wedge is absolutely crazy talk and scare tactics. He has acknowledged this train is going and he will support it and make sure we are getting the best bang for our buck. Just don't blame him when we are raising taxes to support this boondoggle....s
Also, you comment about healthcare...All the cities and towns are going to excersise that so that they actually have negotiating power. I commend him doing that and acting like a leader whereas Sean trys to make it a negative and scare people that Ted is out to get everyone out of city hall.
So I can surmise that you are smart and are attempting to just use scare tactics or are unaware of how major businesses work and have profitability for its shareholders. The city of Peabody's profit margins will be continued low taxes with great services and schools. Not to mention a great new demand on our homes since businesses and families will want to move here...
BTW, Phase 2 and 3 have been planned out and we are going to need Salem to agree to help with this process.
11/27 @ 628, You talk about the Spring Pond costly fiasco but yet you do not seem to point out that your Teflon Ted was a councillor at the time. Did he or the other CC members do any thing -really- about Carnavale? They may have given some lip service but that is all. Was TT an administration member, you bet he was.If he were such a great member and for what was right for the taxpayers he would have made the necessary waves to make things right. His lawyer back round and his being a CC member should/would have been a good thing for his eventual run for mayor.Why he didn't is the question and what was the reason for not doing it. There can be no doubt every administration has had its problems.Could it be that Carnavale ,as I understand it, is or was going out with a Torigian girl and that certain political figures did not want to ruin the Torigian name and legacy. [It is hard to remove the Torigian name from the things his name are on.] You can not blame Fitzgerald for any thing to do with the problem[s] of the city because he was not the one to make the decisions of the elected officials which Bettencourt was one. Did Bettencourt say any thing at all about the city employees getting raises? As for the developers where was the inspection dept. and the CC? Again Bettencourt was a CC member was he not? About throwing rocks- I have looked at my choice of who would get my vote and it is Fitzgerald. One of my many reasons is that his job wasn't on the CC and he wasn't the mayor so I don't think your any where near right to include Fitzgerald as a decider of who ,what ,where, and how any thing were to be done. As for the 911 police fiasco I agree that they all went about the raise giving wrong and who was responsible on both sides of the table negotiations. They ,who did this on both table sides, should have made /or not made the raise should have called it some thing else instead of embarassing the city county wide. It was the worst thing to have done considering the 911 event . So!!!!!!! you see your claim of rock throwing by me is negated by your choice of mayor because he was a part of the Bonfanti administration that did very little if any thing at all in the matters of the past things you have brought up. If your not a Bettencourt family member vote for Fitzgerald and be assured of better governing in this the DARK CITY as OG describes it.
ReplyDeleteYou clearly don't understand how city government is structured. It's the administration that runs day to day operations, not the city council. And both Fitzgerald and Bonfanti have said that Sean was involved as part of day to day decision making. Are you now saying that Sean was just a coffee gopher instead or was he managing with Bonfanti and responsible for the above mentioned questionable actions? Pick one, because you can't have it both ways.
ReplyDeleteAll this bickering will be over soon...once we tally the votes and see that Teddy destroyed Sean.
ReplyDeleteTo 2:14, I agree with you that it will be over soon but let the winner be announced before you say Sean is destroyed. To 8:13 - The CC is a n arm of the administration and does the job of running the city by doing their part. The mayor does the job he does with the administration of governing with the CC. If the mayors office were the only decision maker we wouldn't have any need for a CC. The mayor tells his working help what to do and that included Sean when he worked for him and the late Pete Torigian. I rather doubt that a or any decision to do any thing at all by Sean was done w/o the mayors permission . Anyone can suggest any thing to any person but that person has to give thought to that suggestion before saying ok or not to do it. We have approx. 8 hours before the votes are counted and that will tell us all the outcome and with hope it is the right person to become the mayor. That person is Sean Fitzgerald as I see it. If not then time will tell if Sean or Bettencourt can or will do the job for the taxpayer voters . If he doesn't then he will be the shortest termed mayor in most of Peabody's history and that goes them both depending on who gets the job as mayor.
ReplyDeleteTed wins... time to fill those big shoes.
ReplyDeleteHey 3:38pm
ReplyDeleteAccording to the Patch:
Unofficial numbers have Ted Bettencourt at 8,692, beating Sean Fitzgerald at 4,957.
Is it safe to say that Teddy "destroyed" Sean now??? Or does almost 4000 votes qualifiy as "obliterated?"
OG says..and you wonder why I am the way I am.
ReplyDeleteAs best as I can see it... ALL the incumbents were re-elected, and we get Gould on the City Council and Aylward on the Light Commission. Glad about Gould and sad about Aylward.
ReplyDeleteAnd Ted vs. Sean? Why bother discussing it any longer. I just hope Ted can live up to his hype because so far (the last 8 years) he has not.
OG says....way to go Dark City...thanks for all the 'change' we hear about all the time but never actually see on election days....and thanks for the lousy voter turnout on a perfect weather day too...and thanks to all those good candidates who just didn't have the right stuff to overcome the uninformed electorate and lazy ass voters that have been groomed here in Dark City for many years now....OG comes on here and takes a good number of hits for being so damn negative and gloomy and as we look over our latest election results what do we see? not much change at all....if Bettencourt wasn't running for Mayor your Dark City voters would have delivered the same City Council members and the same School Committee members so apparently everything is just fine here in Dark City and maybe OG is the problem....turn out the lights and welcome to Ted Town.
ReplyDeleteHey PI,
ReplyDeleteSad about Alyward! Well get used to it. He's in for six years! Put that in your cream of wheat and prune juice and go cry at Fitzgerald house.
Aylward has stated that one of his main platforms is that he is against joining the Massachusetts Go Green initiative. This is the fund that helps cities and towns (and individuals) pay for green projects. So if we wanted to erect a wind turbine or put solar panels on the new Higgins... they would have seriously helped to cover the costs.
ReplyDeleteThis is the future of energy and this candidate has stated he is against it. Thus I am unhappy that he has been elected.