So what does everyone think of this new proposal. Do you really think it is going to reinvent the downtown area? Who wants to take bets how far traffic will be pushed back on Lowell Street now? I am guess beyond Su Chang's...Terrible idea and we are not going to be a downtown Salem for one reason. We have a high end mall that people would rather travel too than a downtown that is congested and has no parking.
Primary in ward 3 and citywide primary for light commish 1 week from today. What do you all think?
ReplyDeleteOur downtown is so livable and vibrant today, we shouldn't change a thing. Nor should we ever try anything different. This city is just perfect the way it is.
ReplyDeleteI read about this in the snews and on Patch. Lot's of Fitzgerald quotes and involvement. Was Bettencourt even there?
ReplyDeleteI am sure the Mayor is calling in favors for Sean to get some media coverage. He is going to need it. Also understand that Bettencourt has been involved with this since he is on the city council so I only see Sean as a citizen that is participating in the meetings like anyone else. I found it kind of in character with the quote from the Patch where he was questioning the garage and how "HE" has plans...If he is elected get use to what "HE" wants and not what Peabody wants....
ReplyDeleteI can't wait to see how big Bettencourts Event is this weekend. I think this is going to be a fun time. BTW, I saw a huge difference with signs this weekend. Sean did not have many holders compared to the Bettencourt camp...
Just remember Peabody, a vote for Fitzgerald is a vote for Manning Martin...This city needs change and neither are getting my vote! It's time to change up the people that have been apart of the current mayors circle so that Peabody has an opportunity to flourish.
Get ready for more embarrassment for Peabody once the local TV stations get a hold of this story:
Just saw this in Patch. COULD NOT agree more. Where is the overall plan!!!!????
Bob is right. Why are we taking a half assed approach. Ann Manning's comment about how all we need to do is get the public on board and educate them is laughable. Educate them about what Ann? Was any thought at all put into what impact the construction alone is going to have on existing businesses? Peabody 2012. Welcome to America's newest ghost town.
ReplyDeleteTypical Anne Manning. Trying to tell residents what's good for them. Who the hell is she to tell me whats right for the downtown. I think that little gavel she swings whacked her in the head a few times. What an egotistical mean spirited person. She pulled the same crap on the school committee and now she brings it to our city council. Vote the queen of mean out of office.
ReplyDeleteLittle Annie is such a lightweight. Only reason she gets re-elected is because she is the only woman on the ballot. Being the only woman she should finish first or second, right, since women are 50% of the population and usually like to vote for at lest one woman? But no, little Annie ALWAYS finishes third, fourth or fifth.
ReplyDeleteSo what do u all think will happen here. The at-large incumbents have done NO campaigning after doing a horrible job the past 10 years. Bob Croce seems to be out there working his arse off. I see him every frigging day, it seems. Tom Gould seems to think he can just put his name on the ballot and top the ticket with no work. Russ Donovan once again does not seem to be campaigning at all.
ReplyDeleteI predict that brain dead Peabody voters will not do the right thing and vote for people who who just have incumbent next to their name. Enjoy your time in LA LA land. What a bunch of fools.
What does everyone else think?
I agree. I have not seen anyone in my neck of the woods. I may only use one of my votes and I think everyone should do it. I think it is time to send a message to all this incumbents and even new candidates. I would not rest on your record because look where Peabody is today. I would love to have Local Access to clips of all the foolish soundbites of these incumbents and to a best of. I think Ann would win with all her foolishness. Its time to show these people who the real bosses of the city are, US not them. They are there to do what we want and not what they want!
ReplyDeleteThe problem with the challengers is that they want to tell everyone why they would be great elected officials when what they should be doing is acting like happy idiots without one single good idea in their heads. Look at who Peabody elects. It has nothing to do with qualifications or ideas. It's a frigging popularity contest. So ... get over it!
ReplyDeleteRuss and Bob or Ben or Bill or who ever else, stop telling us about your ideas for making Peabody better. We want happy little sayings on the Patch by Annie. Maybe Russ Donovan should give away free ice cream or Alyward should get a job delivering lottery tickets to the local liquor store. That's how you win an election Peabody! Maybe Croce should become a cheesey car salesmen. Then he would win in a landslide!
So get over it, you guys have no chance with your stupid ideas for making Peabody a better place to live. I heard Russ one day talking about how we could get things moving again economically, and at the same time not raise taxes on people. Really great, smart ideas. But forget it! That won't get you anywhere, Russ. Most Peabody voters are loveable jugheads who don't even know where city hall is located.
We don't want it. We love our crappy schools, higher taxes and a downtown area that looks like Lawrence. LA LA LA LA LA LAAAAAA.
Too cynical! Well, then again maybe you are right, but I am only voting for new candidates. Screw these good for nothin' incumbents. They have F-ed everything up!
ReplyDeleteOG says...reality candidates with fresh ideas and vision don't win elections here in Dark City !! in fact most candidates who run for office here in Dark City have no vision or ideals and the dumb Peabody voters don't demand it....OG loves all the cynicism in in this post because it is all so damn true !! no realist can deny that this city is politically dysfunctional and downright boring...and that's how OG sees it.
ReplyDeleteBut OG what about Batman?
ReplyDeleteWho the hell is OG? I honestly can't stand the garbage that comes out of his mouth. He is just another old fart that thinks he is all knowing. OG's comments add up to the value of a piece gum stuck under a desk. It is people like him that cause this city to be dysfunctional. I am a voter, I want candidates that have plans that will explain how they will be carried out. Your perspective is due to your ignorance and the fact that you are probably part of the machine of older voters that only cares about themselves and not about the city as a whole. So of course you do not want a candidate with vision because you may actually have to start to pay taxes that are way below average. I want this city to shine and not rot like it is doing now. Based on the decisions over the next couple of years, this city will either be a Lawrence or a City that it once was. Where there was pride to say that you are from Peabody. So Mr. OG or should I say OLD GUY, its time to get off your sofa with a secret and and a new perspective on what is happening in this city...BTW school enrollment is up which means younger families are starting to move in....So new people with new perspectives...
ReplyDeleteOG my friend are in the minority...your laudable desire for plans, vision and political change is wonderful....your problem is the fact that you live here in Dark City and you are never going to get what you thirst for! you have it all wrong...OG is not really an older voter...or someone not in tune with the local schools.... OG is someone who actually goes out and votes on primary day and election day and clearly I am in the minority here in Dark City for doing so....your problem with me is due to the fact that I tell it like it is and the truth OG spewing negativity or is it realism?? you want your candidates to impress you with ideas, vision and perspective but the electorate in general doesn't give a damn here in Dark City !! this city is politically dead and uninvolved..sure, we have some folks who truly give a damn who come on here and rant and rave like me but there are not enough of us to stir change that you advice...move someplace else where name recogntion, lifelong residency and political pandering are not the norm because they sure as hell are here in Dark City...
ReplyDeleteOG says...fear not Batman...but beware the Ice Cream Man! Let's think about downtown...for how long can we continue to talk and plan and delay and consider and rezone before we actually try something ?? can we please do something based on the studies done ? ok--maybe we make a bad choice or two along the way but let's move forward somehow !! OG is still waiting to hear about convenient parking options downtown and unless I missed it the details are quite sparse on that issue....there are no easy answers or sure bets but it is way the past the time to try something...can we get moving on this before it is time for OG to check into Brooksby Village please?
ReplyDeleteI think the reason why OG does vote is bc he is in Brooksby and only has to go downstairs. I am so tired of listening to your banter. You should maybe start providing this city with options instead of coping out and just making negative feedback. Dark city this dark city that...blah blah blah...BTW EVERY election has discrimination going on. Populatrity, money, attractiveness, attire, etc...
ReplyDeleteOG says..let's get back to the original post here about Sean getting all this 'media attention' is the real problem here...Teflon Ted has to be the DULLEST candidate for Mayor in history! he makes Mayor Mike seem like a dynamic personality....Teflon Ted might be a nice, clean cut, home grown vanilla candidate who is a lock for office but he is DULL my friends....he has been DULL on the City Council and he will be DULL as the next Mayor of Dark City....and you know I'm right 'cause that's how OG sees it.