Tuesday, August 9, 2011

School Committee Incorporated

I need to sound off with regards to the School Committee.  I really think they need to get away from the idea of becoming a business where they are offering services for a price.  For example, access to our schools for out of towner's and school bus services for a fee and don't forget the sale of advertising...

They are absolutely horrible at it and it is becoming increasingly more embarrasing that they continue this effort with such a high failure rate.  It is even more embarrassing that they are not even capable of doing the job at hand.  The fact of the matter is that Levine comes in and finds approximately $100,000 for the budget.  I wish they would have all the school committee run at the same time so you could completely clean house.  There are maybe one or two individuals that I would keep but the reality is that they all need a good kick in the butt.  

That being said, I think bus services should be reduced to the only obligated group of kids due to distance.  It is amazing how resourceful parents can be when they are finally told they have to pay.  This year they are almost 1000 kids short of expectations which is approximately $275,000 short on their projected budget.  There is no way that they are going to come close to that number.  I never thought a free education included limo to and from school.  We all heard our parents about walking.  We have elementary schools all over the place and you are telling me they need busing?  Please....

The advertising is another big joke.  They are pushing the local principals to sell advertising.  Then when we are trying to live in a greener world they are forcing it on the back of notices that go home instead of leveraging digital media.  They are forcing schools that have already have had a reduced administration budget (Due to our fearless leader) to print with ink and paper that comes via donations from the parents.  So the city is making money off the parents yet again.   The principal has much bigger concerns like dealing with the spoiled union employees that won't do anything outside their contract window.  There are a few but that is a very small group.  This is based on past experiences and also what I have been told.

Open enrollment.  How are you going to get children to come here when the perception of Peabody is anti-schools.  Again, I said perception.  You never want to open your doors to other towns problems.  The best case senario is that you get a couple of kids but then they end up needing specials services that will cost Peabody more money than we are getting.  You can't discriminate so we would get screwed doing that as well.  We should see it as a blessing that no one applied.  Just like America, close your borders and make your city isolated.  That is why I was against the city giving a blank checkbook to the VOC.  The city is going to be hurt for a long time with that horrible deal.  We need to keep all the money we can in this city.

The sad part is that there is only one outsider running so which current one is the lesser of two evils.  I know I am voting for the new guy even though I don't know him but this committee needs to be shaken up and I now need to decide if I only vote for him so he gets a step up when I vote.  That is my recommendation to everyone.  Only vote for the new guy and scare the crap out of these incumbents.  Maybe even to it for the City Councilors as well.

What are your thoughts?


  1. This blog is even dumber than the old blog

  2. Why because they aren't be libelous and spreading rumors? Over 2000 hits in one week doesn't sound like people aren't reading. Sure it will be fine without you.

  3. Ben Russell (the new guy as you call him) was heavily involved in the school closure debacle. I believe he was the one sourcing some of the info, not sure what his professional background is...

    I will be voting for Ben and Charest only. The other two don't deserve to be there, they only do what they're told. Brandi with the secret meetings, disgusting.

  4. I think he does something in the Boston schools. I like charest because you know he really cares but I agree Brandi with the secret meetings and also not making the meeting notes available was a huge violation too. McGeney is a coward that decided to all of a sudden get tough with the Mayor only because he knew he was going out and he was up for re-election. I heard that he is riding close to Bettencourt hoping that will help him with votes.

  5. He is only riding Bettencourt because he knows Ted is a shoe-in. If Fitzy was the shoe-in he'd be with him. He is a phoney. If Ted was smart he would distant himself from McGeney, he is only losing votes due to his association with the campaign. I Know people that were firm beleivers in Ted, Until they saw a video on YouTube from McGeney! Now they are voting blank.

  6. I saw the video too! I think it was on facebook or something, McGeney has been a stalemate member on the SC. If he is part of the Ted Bettencourt campaign I will vote for Sean. Does anyone know?

  7. I think he is just a tag along based on what I have seen. This is how he has preserved his longevity there.

  8. Was Levine the guy that got Salem schools in financial trouble a few years ago

  9. He was there during tht period but he was not the main factor. I believe it had to do a lot with CC/Mayor budget and cutting of federal/state funding. Maybe he has learned from his mistakes of the past and now we can benefit a bit

  10. He did pull what he admitted were some fancy financial moves. One can only hope.

  11. We need a lot more of that sophisticated accounting not only in the school budget but all budgets. I want a Mayor that is going to review each dept and make a financial decision and not just say keep it at 0% or I will allow a 1% adjustment. That is not a leader. There are priorities and a leader knows that. I wish this guy was younger so he would come on full-time but I think he won't give into the requests and apply officially....That is an unfortunate decision for Peabody. It's like Dick Walker, who is going to fill his shoes. He has done an incredible job with the Parks and Rec and now we are in the dark on who we will get...

  12. OG says...not much new here with the age old Peabody schools suck debate...the real problem that handcuffs us are union contracts and health insurance coverage for city employees....until we find a way to rein them in this debate will rage on and on...folks...there is no new commercial tax revenue flowing into the coffers....how is all of this going to be paid for ? school budgets get no real increase each year...and they haven't for years...if you believe otherwise then you are a fool...we level fund them at best...and this gives us nothing 'extra'...wake up Dark City...your community does not place a high enough value on education to raise taxes which is the only way we will see school improvement....do some comparison shopping with communities that have public school systems that have a better reputation than Peabody....what do you see? those schools exist in communities with a higher tax base ..you are all a bunch of damn hypocrites..you are not willing to put up or shut up..now along with that extra taxes needed we must get some kind of public education teaching accountability into the mix...that focus is getting some attention....who is watching and coaching our teachers??? in most cases NO ONE is !! this is wrong...and that is how OG sees it!
