Wednesday, August 17, 2011


How's everyones new job of sitting there each week to sort out your trash and make sure you are under the required amount?  Not sure if anyone saw the Police Log last week but Police had to be called in because a citizen couldn't get their trash taken and the JRM employees were allegedly being nasty to the citizen.  All I have to say is that this is such a pain in the ass to deal with on a weekly basis.  I have to put more time than I would ever like for trash.  I can't wait till the winter when everyones barrels are blowing all over the street.  Maybe it is just my neighborhood but I am finding a lot more loose trash blowing around most likely because they placed it in their recycle bins and it falls out.  You think we have it bad, one of our Peabody Politics blog readers provided a link that shows Fitzgerald only gave them two barrels instead of three...If we ever have to go down to 2 barrels then this city is going to be so screwed...My count is 3 tickets...So far all the trash has been taken.


  1. 3 barrels are more than enough when we recycle. Yes we need to be more responsible with how we place our recyclable items out for pick-up. Some parts of the country have barrels with covers for that very purpose.

  2. I am so sick of listening to these hippies telling me what to do with MY trash, MY truck, MY "carbon footprint..." Recycle if you want to but leave the rest of us alone.

    "Going green" is the slogan of a billion dollar industry. Unfortunately, you fools have bought into this lie hook, line and sinker. Think about it, you recycle and someone else "reuses" these FREE materials....and then sells them for the same price as products made with new materials. We are even seperating the goods for these organized trash pickers. What a scam.

    You are delusional if you really think throwing away a little cardboard or plastic is ruining the earth...but, hey,whatever helps you sleep at night.

    I will continue to drive my V8 gas guzzler...and will keep buying them until they stop making them. I would rather burn my trash in the backyard then recycle...and I know I am not alone. Where do you think the extra trash is going? How is that for the enviornment?

    Want to help the enviornment, then why don't you go pick up all the trash littering our streets as a direct result of this new mandate?

    "Barrels with covers" is an AWFUL idea. Who do you think is going to pay for those covers? It will be the taxpayer, once again. We would either have to go pick up the new barrels and pay for them...or our taxes would be increased to cover the cost. I can think of much better ways to spend tax payer money (roads? schools?).

    Wake up...3 barrels is not enough for a family of 4.

  3. Ok you don't have to listen to what is ,be it right or wrong,to be able to say our air isn't polluted as it is today. Yes it is a billion dollar industry Guess who is going to sort out and put into the place the recylables are going to be placed. It is not the average Joe and it is the immigrants that will do the job of doing it. We could even allow certain prisoners to work the sorting jobs to help pay for the interment of them. God only knows we are footing the bills for them and the unemployed new peoples to this country. What the hello do you care who and if it is them or an American citizen just as long as the job is done. Any employer has to make a dollar to function. I do agree with you about recycled products but the price of them has to come down with reclamation. We would be saving our industry materials at the same time. If you burn in your back yard you further pollute the air and piss off your neighbors who will turn you in. You said to pick up the trash from the streets but seem to forget where it comes from. It comes from donkeys like yourself that wont do the right thing and then you say pick up the streets. How foolish of you to say what you have said up to now. At any discount store or hardware store they sell barrels with covers that usually come with them. No barrel lasts forever so don't use that as an excuse not to buy one with a cover. What do you use to keep the vermin out of the barrels you have at home,tissue paper or some other cover? Your responsible to have your own paid or free found for barrel to place out for trash pickup. Why should I or any taxpayer have to pay for your use of one? I agree with your statement of three barrels aren't enough for a family of four but if you use the recycle container then guess what, you have room in the three barrels and with some room to spare. You do not make sense and I'm going to have to say your the blog operator trying to raise concern to keep the story on going. If not then I stand corrected.

  4. Actually that statement was not mine anon 5:43. I comment with my username. I agree that it is something that corp america created to get free materials and resell them. Trust me when I say there is always an angle to something. That being said, I do believe there is global warming but it is a natural affect. We were not here during the ice age and I don't recall the dinosaurs driving around in cars and dumping trash everywhere...Unless you consider the flinstones historic fact....

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I was glad to see that a new Peabody blog had started up! Welcome!

    And, I was glad to see that you have begun to get some comments. Even though many seem to be right out of the old Peabody Patriot 'everything is terrible and it's everyone's fault but mine' mindset.

    I was even laughing out loud at the 2nd Anon post...

    And then I see that PeaPol is as misinformed as your average Peabody Patriot commenter...

    Corporate America invented recycling to get free materials? Global warming is a natural cycle and has nothing to do with mankind? Well... all I can say is I am again laughing out loud!

    As for the Peabody Trash...

    There were TWO mistakes in the Peabody program...

    1) They needed to actually have the number of garbage cans per household be 1 (or at most 2... not 3)


    2) They needed to allow residents to PAY A YEARLY FEE for an additional garbage can each pickup.

    This would allow people with extraordinary amounts of garbage... or people who just think the environment is something they personally are at war with (see #2 above) can exercise the need to throw out more than the rest of us.

    Peabody has one of the most liberal recycling programs... they take almost EVERYTHING with only a few exceptions... and they now do it each and every week!

    How hard is it actually to manage three bins... 1) Paper & Cardboard, 2) Plastic, Metal, Glass and 3) Garbage??? I guess for some people (see #2) it is really very hard and perhaps they should really consider taking an adult ed class in 'how to identify basic trash' from NSCC!

    Anyway... welcome and I look forward to some more well thought out opinions from you and your readers.

    (corrected a typo in the previous comment)

  7. Again if you are laughing out load at my comment on global warming then explain all the weather events that were extreme prior to the industrial revolution. You can't. What you and most people do not realize is that the news is owned and operated by the extreme left and they pick and choose what gets into the hands of Americans. Recently with the explosion of the Internet, more people are becoming more knowledgable about what is really going on. If Obama was president back in the 80's or 90s he would be considered an incredible leader but the reality is that even though t hey attempt to sideline real issues with fluff commentary, the Internet gets the real information out to the people.

    So with regards to big business and government conning americans with recycling. The government does this to allow more money to go to programs they want to have in effect. More useless social programs that most of america can't even touch. The business benefit two fold. Take a company like JRM, they charge to take it away. Then they go and sell the materials to another robustness. That business gets tax breaks because they are being green. Once the product gets back to the taxpayer they are still paying the same price on the product whether it be reclaimed or new material. If it is a soda bottle then our state gets a nickel to start. They do this knowing the average person will not bring it back and it becomes free money for the govt.

    I pay taxes so someone else can deal with my trash. They are now getting paid $40 an hour to do much less work and now can actually make more money selling these materials. in my family we are a two person income and we have a lot of responsibilities. It is now something that has been added to my day Id prefer to not have to deal with but unfortunately government is once again telling me how I should live. For some reason they think they know better on EVER issue even though they have some of the largest corruption and ethics violations happening on a daily basis. It was just like how they wanted everyone to shovel their entire sidewalk in a certain number of hours no matter how old you are and what your ability is. It really needs to stop and maybe we should start telling them to get back to the basics so that we can have them use OUR tax monies properly instead of what they think is the best even if their constituents do not agree.

    So yes global warming is natural and the earth is adaptable. Yes there is always an angle when they use the argument that is good for the earth and Yes I do feel that asking me to go out and buy specific bags and barrels is over the top so that everyone else can benefit but the person actually paying for the service. I am the customer not the City of Peabody!

  8. I guess the hippie recyclers have trouble let me clear up any questions you may have:
    1."You said to pick up the trash from the streets but seem to forget where it comes from." If you re-read my post you will see that I blame PEOPLE LIKE YOU for the mess...since your precious recycling bins have no cover and your garbage is strewn about the streets. My garbage (including paper, plastic and glass!)is neatly packed in trash bags.

    2."Your responsible to have your own paid or free found for barrel to place out for trash pickup. Why should I or any taxpayer have to pay for your use of one?" I already have trash barrels, but the city says they are too big. So, by your logic, I (a taxpayer) should not have to pay for a new one...right?

    3. "Yes it is a billion dollar industry" Exactly, so let them sort out my trash. Thanks for agreeing with me.

    4. "We could even allow certain prisoners to work the sorting jobs to help pay for the interment of them." Great idea! At least they will be productive! But I guess you would rather they sit in bed watching color, cable TVs. Having them work...such a ridiculous idea!

    But I digress, as reality and truth are obviously "foolish" concepts.

    Now to PIs useless ramblings:
    "I guess for some people (see #2) it is really very hard and perhaps they should really consider taking an adult ed class in 'how to identify basic trash' from NSCC!" You can't win the arguement with logic so you resort to insulting my intelligence...typical PI. It isn't that I "can't identify basic trash" is that I shouldn't have to. My taxes go up, and so do my responsibilities (like PeaPol mentioned, the shoveling, the sorting etc..)

    I wish I could say that I was "laughing out loud" at PIs nonsense...but I have come to expect this type of juvenile behavior from him. I wish the world was as honest and cheery as he believes it to be. Get off your high horse are just working really hard to make the rich richer.

    Thanks for playing boys and girls...have a pleasant evening.

  9. Oh, I almost forgot...PI's proposed "YEARLY FEE" trash program:
    How did that work with the busses? I seem to remember the city coming up WAY short of what they predicted/budgeted for. If they just kept the fee reasonable then everything would be fine. BUT THEY GOT GREEDY! And the citizens finally said "enough is enough!"

    So you want to charge these taxpayers, the same taxpayers that refuse to pay this "bus fee," ANOTHER FEE?!? The only difference is that refusal to pay this "trash fee" would result in trash all over the city streets, parks and private dumpsters. Brilliant.

    Now I am laughing out loud...

  10. This is just a thought and you can think about it. If there be so many taxpayers ticked off with the new trash rules then why not put aside all the "good" metals and sell them to the junk yards. Thats money in your pocket or the money could be used by the taxpayer[s] for everyones use in the citys recreation dept. It could also be used to fund the clean up of the streets and playgrounds. I can think of other things to do in saving money but I will let it up to you to decide. To the guy who refuses to get new barrels of smaller size ... would you like to pick up your barrels with heavy contents to put in the trash truck? I'm willing to bet you use a two wheeler or roll them to the curb for pick up. The men and woman employed by JRM and other companies are usually younger than 40 years old and there are very few on the back of the trucks after 30 years old. I wonder why that is ,maybe you can answer that question. The trash collectors are not super human as the cartoon characters that are depicted here on this site by nuts who claim to be the batman ,lone ranger ,etc.

  11. First off, the scientific community is in complete support of man-made climate change. The argument is over, this has been proven and is a well agreed upon theory just like evolution.
    Secondly, most recaptured materials cost companies more money to reuse and typically have lower margins. Not to mention they are harder to deal with and require more processing to produce. Companies use these materials because us hippies demand the use of recycled products. Natural materials are finite....just at oil or fishing stocks. We need to be thoughtful in how we use these resources.
    With all that being said, Bonfanti clearly screwed the pooch on this one. What a major f-up on his part. Someone should have lost there job over this. If you want to increase recycling then launch a marketing program or allow for weekly pickups, but to have it mandated within a contract is just insane and is poor public policy. But we should be used to this mismanagement from him. Higher taxes and reduced services, the Bonfanti legacy,

  12. So let me open your eyes for you. take out the globe and look long and hard at it. Look at the size of the United States compared to all the other countries in the world. We as the United States are not going to make a difference until everyone else buys into this green movement. Guess what? It is not going to happen. China does not care about human rights so why would they care about fixing the environment. They are going to create more poiseness gases with all the automobiles they are adding to their roads. A finger in the dike is not going to prevent the water from the other larger holes that no one can control. So whether we cause it or not, there is no way to stop all the other countries so why do we continue to punish ourselves with this garbage. No pun intended...

  13. 8/20@829 The argument over global warming will go on forever so lets let it be for now. There is just so much you can take out of the ground for human use be it metal or any thing else. Your thoughts about metals are far fetched and here is why.... Gold comes to mid first why is it gold is so high in price now? answer. It hasn't been found enough in mines or places of exploration. The same goes for silver, etc, . Why are people selling off their gold . Answer... Its because they need to sell gold and other precious metals in order to exist. The U.S.A. is the biggest holder of gold and really do control it. We do because of the gold standard that backs up money world wide. It could be time for us to go back to Mount Washington, as has been done before ,and have another monetary meeting . I do agree that we should separate materials from the trash stream and we should take the recovered materials money and put it back into the city funds for better use than giving it away to some other company. We still have the Forest Street dump just sitting there. The dump site could be used to reclaim and sell the materials when the need is . there is space enough to hold onto these goods for selling when the markets are profitable enough. All it takes is an employee to be on duty 24/7 with police patrols included. The police do go through the area as it is covering the business's that are there any way. I'm no hippie but did come through that generation and even the hippies were smart enough to rebel enough to change the nations attitudes for the better other than the drugs that still exist today. I think you and others should really think about the past , present, and future before you come to saying any thing as you have before spouting off. JMHO

  14. Heavens to Betsy!!!!!!!!!Are there not any at all replies to the last blog. The person must be right !

  15. I understand the Budweiser company is the largest reuse processor of aluminum cans and encourages the return of used cans from the "trash steam" and the return from the 5 cent depositors that turn them in. Do they make money on the returned cans? No ,they do not but they remelt them for reuse and it saves them money and they do not have to constantly buy the metal to produce their beers . Tell me if you will does their beer cost any more than any premium beer ? Do they compete with Coors or Millers beers. I think they do, dont you?.

  16. Anon 9:25pm,
    What the heck are you talking about...I cannot even tell what point you are trying to make. I think you are trying to say that Bud, like many companies, is profiting off of our recycling. They use reduced priced materials (our can returns) and do not reduce the price of their product.

  17. No I'm not saying they are profiting from reusing the metal. I"m saying they use it because they remelt the metal and make new cans to hold there product. They are doing good by doing this and they recycle as the biggest recyclers in the U.S. They don't always buy the metal from the metal producer . That helps save the metal for use in time that is extended by recycling. If they were to reduce the price of Bud how can they do that w/o recycling the metal? Budweiser is no longer owned by the Anheiser Bush family and is now foriegn owned. How come the other beer companies don't do the recycle thing to reduce the price of their beer. When I go to but beer I see that Coors and Millers are basically the same price as Bud. If you don't like the price you can buy cheaper beer and there are many to select from but they can't compare to Miller,Coors or Bud.When you buy beer in Mass. you pay the can/bottle deposit to make recycling happen. Your choice is to recycle or throw the containers away in the trash or at the road side where its not the place for them to be. Have you ever run over a bottle or wished the road ways were clean?

  18. There is a program on Showtime called "Bullshit!". It is hosted by Penn & Teller, a magic act/comedy duo. The basis of the show is to expose things that many of us believe to be true as actually being false or, as they put it, Bullshit! They've covered many topics over the years and in particular, a few years back, they did an episode on recycling. That's right people, recycling is bullshit. Google the bullshit recycling episode - it's out there - and view it for yourself. It's worth a look to a least get another opinion on this subject. According to their show, the only product actually worth recycling is aluminum. Otherwise, recycling is just big business. It isn't cost efficient, nor does it save energy or the environment. Just one example: We used to get all of our trash picked up once a week by a single truck. Now it takes TWO trucks to do the same job. That alone doubles the amount of energy needed and air pollution created just to remove the stuff from our homes. It only goes downhill from there. We've been brainwashed by big business into thinking we're doing good when actually we're just making someone else rich off of our trash. If recycling were at all worthwhile, the government wouldn't need to subsidise it with money from our tax dollars. Watch the show. Open your eyes.

  19. Make sure nothing gets broken in the storm because they will not take it if it is too big or does not fit in the barrel.
