I have noticed that everyone was saying that we are turning into Lynn due in part to the two youths that decided it would be fun to shoot each other, investigation is obviously still out. We all know that the washington Aborn section of the town has typically produced the most crime. Also I might add that this occurring in someones residence where there was NOTHING the police could have done to prevent it. If this was out on public streets or sidewalks then you may be able to argue a little bit more. Kind of like the mugger in West Peabody at 3am stabbing the guy for his money. That is more alarming than this.
The recent drug bust I would say is huge for Peabody. It shows the are being very proactive and attempting to send a message to all the transients taking advantage of the highways and hotels that we are not a safe stopping ground for illegal traffic. I respect the Police Department very highly and hope that everyone knows and believes that they are putting themselves in harms way everyday no matter what their roles are. Look at the officer that got struck on route one recently. He was working a detail and attempting to help someone.
I would like to see the future Mayor add more patrol cars. I feel like I barely see any police presence in the city and it could be that I just seem to miss them but it is a nice feeling when you see them come down your street knowing that it may just deter the person wanting to break into your house....
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeleteI had to remove the comment unfortunately due to the fact that they are accusations that have no proof. I believe I am on the record here for not liking that individual and I have a feeling they are in fact true but again there is no support in the statement.
ReplyDeleteWhat facts? It was just someone's opinion about the guy. This blog sucks. Goodbye for ever
ReplyDeleteIs the Blog Master advocating more police officers?
ReplyDeleteMost of whom earn nearly twice as much as the average Peabody taxpayer/resident ($80-$100K a year per patrolman) with lifetime benefits that the average taxpayer can only dream about.
That's a mighty expensive feel good measure.
According the recent news reports: Crime is down in America. Check the newspapers.
I for one, can't afford more government. My last oil bill was over $650.00...$3.59/gallon. Using 1000 gallons a year, that's $3590 a year. Real estate taxes are about the same. Add Electric, water and sewer costs and I have run out of money! Where is the affordability for the average private sector homeowner?
All the while the city is building "affordable housing" with our (my) taxpayer monies. The rest of us are going broke thanks to BIG progressive government!
Where do I get an EBT card?
Now anon, let me get this straight. Are you telling us that you do not think a police officer should make80-100k a year working 60 plus hours a week? A job that you go to everyday not knowing what you will potentially run into or may run into you? Police officers do much more than handle crime, they are the hand of the arm in govt. They are out there touching citizens every single day. I see police everyday. Much more than I have ever scene the mayor or other elected officials. They are here to maintain the order and keep the peace. When something does arise, they have to react more than most people would even react to a person falling down.
ReplyDeleteNow with regards to your bill situation. Instead of oil, why don't you switch over to natural gas. Maybe you should think about insulating your house better,,,,Maybe lower your thermostat a degree...You are basically crying over approximately $10,000 in bills per year. Maybe you are not meant to own a home. The reality is that not everyone has the income to support a home. Stop crying about it if you can't afford it. Those expenses are rather low. What the hell are you doing with the rest of your income? Hmm Alcohol, cigarettes, scratch tickets, dinners out, Mcdonalds, D&D Coffee everyday? Life is about decisions and maybe just maybe you need to look inward and see the real problem lies within you.
Maybe you should get a second job if you want to own the home with the white picket fence....Those police officers put a ton of overtime in to make that money and also work private details. They don't just make the 80-100 without some hard work and long hours. Also, what you don't realize is that there is wear and tear on their body and their emotions and most have very challenging home lives because of it.
I think all the officers should be making that much to protect the city. I also think you need to stop griping about your situation and find a way to fix it yourself. Adjust your lifestyle if you want to own property...
The reality is not everyone can pull in the income like those on the public payroll. Overtime is not available nor are benefits even close to that of the public trough. Most of us can't even afford DD coffee. What do the police pay for their DD coffee?
ReplyDeleteEveryone can't work for the government. A ton of overtime gets to mean: Game the overtime system. I am sure you KNOW how that works. 60 hours a week? I think you know better than that.
Ever hear of the Quinn bill? The state eliminated it but the city is STILL paying for it!!! The Peabody taxpayers are the sugar daddys for the police! I don't expect any changes with the new mayor. Too close to home.
Oh, gas is not an option.
Maybe I'll just beg or ask for illegal status. Then maybe I'll be elligible for an EBT card.
Just got my tax bill.
again go get a second job and stop your whining...Or become a police officer in Peabody...There is no age restriction
ReplyDeleteI love how I post a negative comment here about PP's sainted friend Dave "Shifty" McGeney and it gets deleted. This blog is a TOTAL fraud. It should be shutdown. I am only going to read OG's blog from now on. He is the true king of the bloggers here in Peabody!
ReplyDeleteDark City Fan says...time is a wonderful lesson...compare the rest and you will see that over time OG is the best...if you want a site with no BS then it's over to the Peabody Pulse I guess!
ReplyDeleteAt my age of 70 you believe I should now go get a job! Great!
ReplyDeleteWhile the Free-Loaders who probably never worked a day in their lives collect EBT cards and everything else!
I worked over 40 years for a major private corporation and retired with a (then) good pension. No cost of living adjustments in my pension unlike the well-fed public employees pensions. I planned on my lifetime savings and investments to support me.
Planning for a secure retirement was destroyed by the scam artists on Wall Street, our incompetent political leaders and the greedy U.S. business leaders with their maga million dollar salaries,bonuses and their bankrupties scams.
Did you hear? GM went bankrupt, as well as Delta Airlines and many others. Thanks to ALL of the above. And it is still going on!
Haven't you heard?
The Pension Guarantee Trust Fund is being ravaged thanks to the above scam artists.
Now, there goes MY pension!
Lifetime savings and investments have been devastated. All to "FEED the Pig" public employees and free-loaders alike.
The hard working public are getting shafted!
There are probably more of them (free-loaders) than us (workers) now.
Not so long along the everyday worker/saver could get 5.25% interest on a regular savings account at ANY local bank. Today we are looking at .25% interest. Why? To "Feed the Pig" federal government, of course.
Bernanke has killed the rates All to "FEED the Pig" the spend-aholics in government, federal and local! Those low rates are killing seniors. Seniors, who worked all their lives to support their family, community, state and country, are being told by the likes of you:
If you watched TV or listened to the radio you would have seen or heard EBT card holders can get FREE cell phones with FREE 250 minutes a month all thanks to our federal politicians who divested,"Ma Bell" and instituted universal fees that the working public now have to pay for.
Back to the local level:
In the twenty years of the Torigian's adminisration the homeowners' taxes were stable increasing modestly over his tenure.
In the ten years of the Bonfanti administration taxes have skyrocketed 60-70%! All to "Feed the Pig".
In the first terms of the Bonfanti administration, he "Popped the Cork" on taxes, increasing homeowners' taxes while giving the Mall and other businesses BIG tax decreases as he doubled,tripled or more the longevity bonuses for city employees and increased the number of city employees. (Got to hire relatives and friends you know.)
All this at the homeowners' expense while he was preaching frugality (that damn state has cut their funding again!).
During his (Bonfanti) ten years the public employees never missed a paycheck or pay raise.
Did you know the rest of us taxpayers, aka, private citizens went (are going) thru a recession?
"Feed the Pig" is a great motto for the Bonfanti decade. "Blame the State" comes in second.
Meanwhile, I've taken your advice. (Don't ask me why.) I am looking for a job. Any suggestions?
Will that "retired" police officer's job be available after the city screws up Main St.?
Signed: Not an Oink,Oink
But looking for a job.
PS: Maybe I can get a parking lot attendent's job at MassPort? I understand they are making $100K a year. No heavy lifting required. (Is Spanish required?)
I would like a job paying 45 an hour and up to stand around sipping coffee and looking into a hole. I would like a job where I get health benefits for life and a pension. I want a job where if I am overweight and don't take care of myself, a heart attack is considered job-related and leads to a disability pension. I would like a job with tremendous amounts of overtime available that can't be cut out under ordinances and collective bargaining agreements. I want a job in which my critics are accused of being bad people. I want a job that is less dangerous than truck driver, garbage collector, roofer, farmer or fisherman.
ReplyDeleteI wanna be a cop.
Oh, and I'd also like a job where I can automatically get extra pay just by getting a peel-and-stick "degree" from Anna Maria or Dean or some other diploma mill
ReplyDeleteIn all seriousness why isn't there a discussion going on here about what a mean bastard Herb Levine is? He has a track record here of taking it out on those who work for him, so it does not surprise me that he is so rude to the Burke School parents. And before his friend PP takes this down, he should read this: http://www.ecnnews.com/cgi-bin/s/thestor2.pl?slug-tbox
ReplyDeleteHere are your facts homey. Are we really considering this guy as a perm. super? He makes former Dr. Perullo look like Mother Teresa.
First off I will say this again, I AM NOT A FAN OF DAVE M. Please review my blog. I absolutely cannot stand him!!! Please don't think I consider him a friend.
ReplyDeleteWith regards to Levine. Of course he looks better then the last hack that fattened his pension. Anybody could fix the issues that he caused. I am also not a supporter of Levine either. Have you seen the Salem Schools academic records recently??? Ideally if he was so wonderful then he would have established a program that an idiot could run. I honestly do not trust his salesman pitch that he spews when I see him on the SC meetings. He is one of those people that compensates with humor...instead of solid ideas.
So Anon I am not taking down your post since you have attached a credible source. BTW he will not come on full-time since he would much rather retire and enjoy his rewards...
BTW I know that OG is posting here anonymously to build up his subscribers. Have some balls OG. I gave you a good amount of time to build up your fans when I was gone and it got you nowhere so now I am back and city of Peabody will benefit here with open transparent communication.
ReplyDeletePP. I am not OG, but you clearly do not understand how bloggers are supposed to work together to help promote each other. You and OG should be working together not against each other. Geez.
ReplyDeletePP how come you have nothing here on the state senate race? Hot rumor on the street this morning is that Ted Spelliotis will run. Can he win?
ReplyDeleteAnd who will go for Ted's open state rep seat? Are there any West Peabody candidates strong enough to contend for that state rep seat?
Sinewitz? Croce? Mayor Mike? The Zellens.
Would like to hear your opinions.
I was fine with OG until he decided he want to make some comments.
ReplyDeleteAlso, there has been a tragady in this City and this topic can sit for next week. I do not like Ted S. that being said, it is a great thing that he is running since he will be gone after he looses. Also, they way they have that district gerrymandered in my opinion gives no shot to someone that lives in Ward 6. With the current redistricting they should have pulled all of Peabody together. I feel bad for people that live in 6 because you know they are not getting the representation they deserve on the state level when other towns have much more voter count. Peabody Politics
Dave Mcgeney should step down from his position on the school committee. The way he treated the Burke school parents is dispicable. I for one believe he knew the mayor and Levine were hinding the tests from the rest of the school committee. You only get angry when your guilty of something. Levine needs to go also. Lets start the year off with a clean slate.