Thursday, October 13, 2011

Sean is on the Attack Again...

Sean shows up in the Patch today criticizing Bettencourts record...One should wonder if he should be throwing rocks in glass houses...

So what are everyone's thoughts on this??? Lets make sure there are no accusations on either side that may be seen as potentially Libelous...or they will need to be deleted.


  1. OG says...OG thinks that Sean brings up some REASONABLE and perhaps intriguing points on some of Teflon Ted's accomplishments if this were any kind of normal and active political town then we would have some serious chatter about it...all political candidates fluff up their resume when running for office and for months now OG has been asking 'where's the beef?' on this 8 year council member so having to defend this stuff may be good for Teflon Ted and it may be enlightening as well to anyone who is truly watching and listening...but since this is Dark City not enough people will give a hoot about it because Ted's a good guy....

  2. From the Patch comment section:

    Fitzgerald is really grasping at straws at this point in the campaign. After 20 years on the public dole, and having never been elected to any public office, this guy has the temerity to question Ted Bettencourt's business acumen and public service credentials? What a joke!

    Based on his resume, it's no suprise that Fitzgerald cannot recognize what constitutes a successful career in the private sector or what qualifies an individual as a business owner.

    When every paycheck you've ever cashed comes from a government entity, you're simply unable to appreciate what it takes to make it on your own; in the private sector and without an elected benefactor appointing you to cushy positions.

    Desperate candidates often use desperate tactics but this one is simply off the charts. This Fitzgerald press release is nothing but a hack job by a career hack plain and simple. This type of thing is a big turnoff to voters who are sick and tired of politics as usual.

  3. Sean is insane. He gets caught plagarizing educational policy and this is what he resorts to. Calling out Bettencourt for doing nothing on the council. Whose your leader on the council Sean? Dave " do nothing "Gravel, or the impotent city council president Anne Manning? They voted for all the mayors budgets and every single tax increase. Now he's using Bonfantis line of "he takes the health insurance. Please Sean, tell us what you really think about education, not Bill Clintons version. Whoever your campaign manager is must be a piece of work. Instead of focusing on the voters, he has Sean writing ridiculous press releases because he wants revenge for being caught plagarizing educational policies.
    Every time it rains out, expect something stupid from Sean. He's sitting in the house stewing that he's going to lose the race. Oh boy it's going to be a long three weeks.....

  4. Sean's campaign manager is Mayor Bonfanti's campaign manager. Take a look at the Globe article of Sean's accusations. It is he and not Sean defending their position.

    I personally think it will be a fun 3 weeks. Ted is going to crush him next week. I hope to god the plagiarism, torigian and some other misrepresentations get brought up. Lets clear the air on all them like adults and talk about how they are going to make this city great...Oh ya, Ted is the only one that has proposed a plan. Sean is going to beat everyone up for outside money and then complain later on when he didn't get it....Hmmm sounds familiar.

    BTW, the real sleeping giant in the city is the Vocational Technical school. I know everyone in the city does not have children but what people do not understand is that the City Council will be in charge of it and not the school committee. Be prepared to have your TAXES raised because of the decision to go out and purchase the house you can't afford but has everything....Peabody is going to get foreclosed on when we can't pay the bills t hat have NO ceiling....SEAN thought it was a great idea and TED voted it down since we did not have control over costs and we lost a lot of seats for our children...

    Well Sean, in less than three weeks you will be able to sleep much better knowing you have a Plaistow!!!!

  5. Croce letter in every rag. How annoying!

  6. Now it appears that Sean supporters are stealing patch names and claiming they are supporting Sean after his fundraiser event. I drove by the fundraiser around 9 last night and it did not appear that there were that many people there...I did receive one of Sean's flyers in the mail. He must have wiped out his campaign funds with sending it all over Peabody. I get a flyer but never have seen him in my neighborhood or knock on my door. I guess he does not think we are worth a visit since we are in Ward 6. I suppose that will be the same representation that I will get if he becomes mayor. I am sorry Sean, seeing a few signs and getting some junk mail is not enough to show me that you care. All I hear about is you knocking on doors but you are too afraid to come over to West Peabody and talk to the tax base that pays a lot more than most in this city. You think all you need is your home ward but the reality is that you do not have that claimed based on everyone that I have been speaking with. The fact that there are rumors that your committee is dropping signs without permission is appalling and your ignorance to West Peabody is insuliting!

  7. If you are so confident then why the comments? Either admit that the race is tighter than you thought or just stop with all the drama.

  8. Anne Manning tells Benton Bonfanti gave a great speech at Seans Fundraiser. She must be smoking crack. Have you ever heard Bonfanti speak. He has to be the worst speaker ever. Boring, monotone, and incoherent is he best way to describe his speeches. Have another beer Anne. After a few pops, he probably sounds like Seans hero.........Bill Clinton.

  9. This race is so not close. I laugh at the thought that you think it is. Lets see who shows up on Thursday...Maybe on Wed. the HS students will ask Sean about his plagiarism. Cant wait to see him try to bob and weave on that one. BTW you question makes zero sense since it is in fact not a question...Did Mike write that for you? The whole Anne Manning thing is that fact they are like the Legion of Doom fighting the hero's at the halls of Justice...Anne is so evil looking at the city council meetings. Her special power is her frozen expression and her ability to look utterly exhausted and bored while not changing her face. Sean's super power is to manipulate and attempt to use the power of persuasion through desperate attempts at stretching the truth. I love how on the card he sent out that he was an aide to Torigian...Sean did you really??? Are you sure about that??? That is not how most remember it....

    Please stop the lame ass commercials too. And anon 5:49 or AKA Jaclyn or Stephan please learn to phrase your question as a question. This is not drama, it is fact. I would love him to come to west Peabody because I would ask the question the papers are too afraid of. He is not going to win his ward. The best he will do is break even. That is the fact!

  10. BTW I love how Globe North had all this flood coverage the weekend before the major debate. Talk about timing. Team Mike will get it done. He had 10 years and it has not happened. Him and Sean will work together to beat down everyone for Federal Funds. Isn't that why we have state and federal representation? Why haven't they stepped up all this time. Oh wait, they got us this sweet deal. They gave us the new Voc that we can sink all are money in while we will have to sit here and cut all the budgets and raise taxes just so that a select political supporters kids can get a better education. I so have no faith in that selection process with so few little seats. Especially since the city council will be in charge of the Voc itself and not the school committee...

  11. Many moons ago during the summer, the city would employ local youths for $108 per week (good money back them) riding the back of city trucks cleaning brush/weeds, painting traffic lights, etc....

    If I ever run for office, can I say I worked for Mayor Mavroules?


  12. Can someone explain to me how an add for vets has anything to do with city finances??? I am really starting to believe that the Patch is in bed with this candidate. I find it very irresponsible on the part of the Patch to continue with this website if they do not being to call themselves a blog and identify their support for Fitzgerald. They have allowed him full cart blanche and allow him to place materials on here that have nothing to do with the topic. I am wondering when we will see the video of him saving a kitty cat from a tree or a puppy from a burning building??? The Salem News attacks Bettencourt like you did with your previous article about his independent business and now you allow out of topic materials with questions you are posing to the candidates. Do other candidates actually pay for advertising because if they do then you should be returning all of their money since you are picking and choosing who gets FREE advertising like above. John, the patch is not a newspaper but a opinion blog that is truly one-sided....

  13. I was reviewing Seans campaign contributions and he has approximately $17,095 from Peabody residents and he has approximately $17,505 from contributors outside the city based on what was disclosed up until now with the state. So it appears that he has raised more money from outside the city than inside the city. Is anyone concerned about that???

    Now just to be fair, I did look at Bettencourts as well and he has approximately $8382 in donations from outside donors and a total of $36,995 from Peabody residents.

    So we have Fitzgerald who has just over 50% in donors from outside the city and we have Bettencourt with the majority from in the city. I am extremely nervous with who really wants Fitzgerald as mayor if he does not have the financial support of the Peabody voters. This information is publicly accessible on the state website and yet the local papers just glossed over with some names of supporters...Really? Once again great journalism from our great media!!!

    Here are the links

  14. OG says...I read some of this crap on here and can only shake my head again once again with some of the loonies who make up the Dark City electorate....none of what is being discussed in this string really has anything to do with either of these Mayoral candidates are going to do for this city....all of this discussion includes is smear and fear-mongering and is that really going to help us? talk of twisted media reporting, alleged plagiarism, craftily defined business arrangements, and campaign funding sources add nothing to the real discussion at hand here....clearly none of you have the ability to focus on progress and improvement...instead you take it to the gutter to promote your ill conceived political sick of this sick of this Dark City inability to get out of our own way.

  15. There are other races on election day:

    Glad to see Barry Osborne out and about. He is working hard for each and every vote and is sign holding, too. It is inspiring to see how many constituents in ward one appreciate the leadership Barry has given them for the past eleven years.

    Forti has no chance this time around. As Barry said at his fundraiser a couple of weeks ago, Forti only got close last time because Barry didn't take him as a serious threat. While still not a serious threat, Barry is putting the heat on him and we predict Barry will beat him by at least 275 - 350 votes, depending on the voter turnout.

    Also consider this: Barry has the type of experience either Bettencourt or Fitzgerald could use when elected, and both have a close relationship with Barry. Are you going to vote for a guy that the new mayor, whoever it is, gets along with and can work with? Or will you vote for a relative newcomer to Peabody with no political experience? Osborne is the only logical choice. For ward one to be the best it can be, vote Barry Osborne on November 8. I am.

  16. My name is Stefan Dufresne, I am a 20 year old college student struggling to work full-time time to help out my household, I am proud to be a Peabody resident, and I am thrilled to be able to vote for Sean Fitzgerald, the candidate with the integrity to work EVERYDAY of this campaign to make sure he meets everyone in Peabody. I would love to respond to every single anti-Fitzgerald comment on this thread, but I have to be at work soon. So let me just say this, Sean Fitzgerald inspires Peabody residents and shows them that "Peabody's best days are just ahead of us." He has the ability to work with authorities of ALL levels of government, an ability that is founded because he HAS worked with these same people. To label him as the anti-Christ, which many people seem to be trying, is just an attempt to hurt his solid character. Call me biased if you wish, I call it devoted respect for the better candidate. I trust Sean Fitzgerald and his ability to do great things for this city while respecting the wallets of its residents. I have met Ted Bettencourt, and like many other people, I will agree he's a nice guy. That's great. I like to think I'm a nice guy too. But I am not running for mayor.I support Sean Fitzgerald because he has the experience managing a town and making the sometimes unpopular decissions that come with that responsibility. Now I'm off to work, so have fun in the bloodbath attack that will undoubtedly present itself now that I have chimed in. Drive safe, it's a nasty day!

  17. OG says...good work young man...glad to see that you give a damn...we need more young, active people who give a damn about Dark City...strap on your flak jacket because you will probably hear from the Teflon Ted crowd but that's least you care enough to even bother...and that's how OG sees it...

  18. Osborne? Leadership? Seriously?

    He should have been voted out 6 years ago. His time has come and gone. Hopefully ward oners will do the right thing on election day and retire Osborne from the city council. Then again, Peabody voters never seem to do the right thing on election day.

  19. Election day can't come soon enoughOctober 19, 2011 at 9:50 PM

    All this blog has become is an online advertisement for candidates for office. I'm sure most or all of these posts are campaign staffers or candidates themselves looking to use this blog to garner votes for themselves or to dissuade voters from voting for a particular candidate.

  20. So Sean is attacking Bette court yet again. I guess he has no bag of tricks left. I can't wait for Ted to destroy him tonight.
